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Somehow, Takeru didn't know if it was the unbearably long train ride that made her so out of it, or waking up so early, or what the heck it was, but she felt horrible.

So, moving on, Takeru was currently stumbling towards the Sendai Natatorium, or at least, that's where she thought she was going to.

That said, why, exactly, was she walking in a very unfamiliar hallway, with guys that were, well, to be frank, gigantic. There were so many tall people that she didn't now what to do with herself.

It made her sort of mad...

How come these kids can be so tall while I'm so short!? I wanna be tall!

Takeru huffed to herself as she folded her arms angrily, stalking along the corridor as she looked from left to right.

"Uh," She muttered to herself, "Where am I again?"

The swimmer had assumed that all the tall people meant she was indeed in the right place, but she had been to the Sendai Natatorium at least thirteen times, and she knew, she absolutely positively knew that the hallways weren't right and that the Sendai Nat. certainly didn't have only guys walking around.

Usually, there were a lot more girl's than guys, and, you know, a swimming pool...

So basically, Takeru wasn't in the Natatorium, which as sort distressing, and now she had no clue as to where the heck she actually was. The auburn head paused, looking about the sea of humanity about her, and was struck with a sudden feeling of realization.

"Why don't I just ask someone?" She wondered as she put on a stupidly incredulous look, "I'm so dumb. Jeez."

With a skip in a hop, Takeru was soon scuttling about, throwing her head around for someone that didn't look like they were going to eat her.

More specifically, someone about her height.

And when she saw someone who fit the bill, she jumped for joy, racing forward to interrogate some poor kid with bright ginger hair.

"Gah! I found you!" Takeru cried as she clamped down on the poor redhead, grinning like a fool as she tugged on his arm, "Hey, hey, buddy, buddy! You wouldn't happen to know where I am, do ya?"

He (the redhead) turned around, looking a tad stunned as he looked her up and down, "Uh, uh, uh, um-!"

Takeru gave a pleasant laugh as she let go of his arm, patting his shoulder lightly,"Sorry if I gave you a scare, it's just that I'm a lil' lost. You know were the Nat. is?"

He nervously shook his head, all jittery and such. The auburn haired girl gave him a little frown, tilting her head decidedly as she folded her arms.

"Well, I'll be darned..." She muttered, jutting out her bottom lip in slight frustration. "Can you tell me where I am then?"

"S-S-S-S-S-S-Sendai G-G-G-Gymnasium-"

Her eyes widened, and she thumped a fist into an open palm, "Oh, that makes sense. Okay, then, do you know how I can get out of here? Or something? I have somewhere to be." She grinned widely, but that grin quickly turned to a frown as she saw him tremble as he stared, wide-eyed at her.

"Um, hey, buddy, you okay? You seem do you say....nervous?"

He gulped, his eyes shifting away from her as he pointed shyly at her team jacket.


Takeru glanced down at her jacket which was vaguely labeled "SHIRATORIZAWA SC CAPTAIN" and then glanced back up at the shaky ginger with a raised eyebrow.

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