Chapter Three

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Okay so I did feel like a stalker but he was attractive so obviously I'm going to stare. He had brown almost black hair and brown eyes. He was average but I don't know there was something about him, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. You could easily tell he was well liked by people, hmm I hope he's not one of those popular jerks like the ones in movies.

Did I tell you guys how bad my luck is? You know in movies when somebody is staring at someone and like magically the other person turns around? Well that happened. It's like he had a sixth sense, oh my gosh he's probably a super hero in disguise. Yeah, yeah I'm a pretty dramatic person sometimes. He looked up and saw me and you know I had to play it off as cool as I could, so I quickly walked away. Yes I'm kind of a coward, but if I was going to meet somebody new it wasn't going to be because I was being a weirdo.

I made it safely to the library and spent the next hour in my study hall. It was the best class because of absolutely no human interaction whatsoever. I didn't really get any homework done because I just kept thinking about my day. I was rather lucky for meeting such a sweet guy like Sebastian but then again curiosity was eating me up and I wanted to know who the guy I saw at the park was. It probably doesn't matter anyways, he's not in any of my classes so the odds of us meeting were as nonexistent as dinosaurs.

The bell rang luckily and I went outside and waited for Mary Ann to pick me up. She was actually already waiting for me so I walked to the car.

She looked at me with a hopeful smile and asked me, "How was it? It couldn't be that terrible right? I mean it's a good neighborhood so there has to be good kids. Did you make friends? Well it's actually okay if you didn't make any sweetie."

It was very sweet knowing how much she wanted me to like it here. I wrote, 'It wasn't completely terrible. And I think I made a friend, his name is Sebastian.' Yes it's a proven fact, I can make these people smile by the simplest things ever. She was so happy she looked like she was about to cry.

Next we picked up Alec who had a permanent smile on his face. Now I smiled. It was a pretty good day for me today. He kept going on and on about his amazing new school and he already made tons of friends, at least now he had another distraction.

I knew it was selfish of me to think that I didn't want to be here or anywhere at all. No I wasn't suicidal, I wasn't going to kill myself. I was going to try to be better. I would try to be better for Alec. I would do if for him.

I walked up to my room, yes it was still pretty strange knowing I had a room but I loved it. It was simple and safe, just perfect. And I did what every teenager did once they got home, I watched Netflix, yes it's the best thing ever. To whoever invented Netflix, thank you for creating the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. Currently I was watching Grey's Anatomy and no I don't want to know how it ends. After two episodes I thought I might as well start my homework. I opened up my binder for AP Lit and I looked at the page of notes Sebastian and I had written. I looked at the bottom and I don't know when he did it without me noticing but at the bottom was written, 'Here's my number, love Sebastian.' No I wasn't squealing, I was full blown freaking out, nope this is to much pressure. No this is not happening no I can't do this so I won't.

I didn't text him. That was so scary, what was I even supposed to say? I barely talk as it is, I'm nowhere near a great conversationalist. Okay okay Em, focus on doing your homework. Holy crap, what was he homework for English? Oh my gosh I was barely paying attention because of the notes. Really?!?! Somebody is purposely doing this to me. It's karma, I bet it is. It's for all those times I forgot to say bless you to people, it must be that. Okay okay, now I have a reason to text him. You can do this Em, I believe in you.

I got my phone and after ten minutes of staring at the scream I finally typed out, 'Hey Sebastian, it's Emory, and I think I might have zoned out when Ms. Clark told us what the homework was, so is there any chance you know what it might be? Thank you.'

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