Chapter Nine

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Sebastian's POV:

I knew it was insane to feel this way about her. I just met the girl and it wasn't all that love at first sight crap because that just means I grew interested in her because of her looks and not who she was.

I wanted to know everything about her since I met her. I'm making it sound like she's a lab experiment or something. But I just wanted to be with her. I wanted to know what made her smile, what made her laugh, what her favorite ice cream flavor was, and just about everything.

I was just a nerd, leading my stereotypical nerdy life until she randomly walked into my life. I can't stop thinking about her.

I don't want her to feel scared or different. I want her to feel normal and happy.

It sucks though. I know she doesn't see me as anything more than just a friend. If only she knew.

When I asked her out, I wanted it to be a date. I wanted to sweep her off her feet and for her to give me the same loving look I give her.

It was hard because I didn't know so much about her. I didn't know what happened to her to make her stop talking, but I knew I just wanted to make her happy, that's all I wanted.

I was dumb to think that I could keep her to myself, but then she had to go be friends with Andrew.

Why would she pick the geeky nerd when she could have the cool jock? I see the way her looks at her. She's pretty oblivious to both of us.

She's like a siren who sucked us in even without a voice. It's just her. They way she makes it seem like she has everything together. The way she just doesn't want to be seen.

That's not why I love her. I love her because even though she's silent, her personality shines through her writing. She's sarcastic and mean, but she's sweet. She's not only that but she's funny, and she's childish but super mature at the same time. And her glasses are just the cutest thing.

You can tell she's insecure but she doesn't care. She doesn't care about a lot, which is good and bad. She doesn't care how she looks even though she looks adorable every day.

She also plays with her hands every time she's nervous and I just desperately want to reach over and hold her hand every time she gets nervous so I can assure her I'm here. Or when she hugs me and for a moment it feels like she's holding you to feel safe and loved.

I was head over heels for this girl. I know she didn't feel the same way but yet I couldn't help but feel like I could win her over. I just want her to be happy.


Andrew's POV:

Emory was a pain in the ass. Yes she's stubborn and really mean and she makes me want to go hit a wall sometimes and yet I want to hug her and kiss her until we are out of breath every time I see her. It's really confusing.

Ever since I met her, I couldn't let her go. I wanted to solve the mystery that was her. I wanted her to spend time with me and let me figure her out.

I didn't care if she spoke, as long as she kept writing to me that was good enough.

I was going to forget about her. I could have any another girl. Who doesn't want to date a jock? I know I sound like a cocky bastard but it was true. But it was her. It wasn't a I want you because you don't want me thing, it was more than that.

Ever since I went over to her house the first time. She fell asleep on me, at first I was pretty pissed like come on I'm not that boring but then I realized I didn't care if she was asleep, she was still with me.

And then she felt comfortable with me. We acted like we were a couple, I was never into that whole cuddling thing, unless it's with her.

She finally trusted me, she trusted me to keep her close to me. She felt okay to be near me. She let me see her defenseless and she didn't have to ask me for help because I would do anything for her.

I knew she probably was a touchy person from the start but I like to think special. I know she relaxes every time I draw on her with my hand. At first I was just doing random circles, but then I started writing stuff out. I keep writing her name over and over again.

She's driving me insane and she doesn't even know it.

I know I can't compete with someone who's exactly like her. It's stupid Sebastian that's in the way. She wouldn't leave him. She cares about him too much.

I just want her to be with me. I don't care if we are just watching stupid movies and she's sleeping next to me. I just want it to be me that she's with.

I think she might feel something for me. She can't just kiss me on my cheek and have it not mean anything right? Or when she let me hold her hand, it was a perfect fit. We're good for each other. It has to mean something right?

She has changed me, I didn't think I could be this happy again and then I found her. I don't want to lose her. She's so important to me but I don't want to ruin everything we have. We can fool around and flirt with each other and yet still be best friends. It's perfect.

I should just let her be with Sebastian, but he doesn't deserve her. She deserves to be happy though and if she ends up choosing him, that's okay as long as she doesn't leave me.

Okay maybe I wouldn't be completely okay with that, but it can't just be me feeling this happy whenever we're together.

Damn, love fucking sucks.


A/N: Hey! I wanted to try out the guys' point of views again! Thanks so much for reading, it means so much. And don't forget to comment and vote. Please let me know who you want Emory to be with, Sebastian or Andrew?

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