Chapter Twenty-one

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I would have been beaming right now except for the fact that he probably did that just so that girl would get the hint. I went along with it until we entered the library and then I let go once we reached our table.

I didn't get a thank you of any sort even though I was waiting for one. There was nothing but silence throughout the whole period. He kept shooting me quick glances but whenever I looked up, I didn't catch his gaze. This is why I needed to talk now, to ask him what was going through his head, for him to be able to just rant to me and then I could respond in seconds with a response instead of writing it down. I decided to go to the person who didn't care that I didn't talk, Jace.

Before the bell rang I decided to text him, 'Hey, mind giving me a ride home or anywhere really?'

I doubted he cared about whatever class he was in so I got a reply soon after, 'You texted me, I'm impressed. Okay sure thing which class do you have right now?'

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my smile, 'Don't think you're special, and study hall.'

The bell rang two minutes after, freedom! I got up to leave with Andy trailing behind me and when I opened the library doors, there was Jace leaning oh so casually against the wall and waiting for me.

He saw me and walked up to me and said, "You ready?"

I smiled and off we went, not before he decided to put his arm around my waist. I was about to pull away when he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Just go with it for now."

I looked up and met his eyes which were actually kind of beautiful that I actually stopped walking. He then chuckled and squeezed my waist and told me to keep walking. We walked to his car and we both sat down and then he explained everything to me.

"You said he hasn't made a move yet so I'm kind of giving him the incentive so he can actually grow a pair and ask you out."

'Aw for a second there I thought you had a crush on me.' I then tried to wink at him which probably failed.

"Am I that obvious?" His eyes sparkled with mischief.

'Just a little bit.' I tried to look flirtatious back by biting my lip.

"So where do you want to go?"

'Could you take me home please?'

After I gave him my address he drove me home. I mouthed thanks to him.

'Do you want to hangout for a bit?

He smirked at me, 'Not like that you loser.'

"You're no fun."

I unlocked the door and went up to my room and I heard footsteps trailing behind me and I guess they were Jace's or a stalker's or a murderer's. I was hoping for the first one and anyways I would have my puppies to protect me. I did hear them start barking like mad but they soon stopped and when I looked back I saw Jace had scooped them both up and had one in either arm. He was such a softie. I walked into my room and got clothes to change into which was just one of Luca's t shirts. I made a mental note to go shopping for guys clothing soon.

I went into my bathroom and changed and walked back out and once Jace saw me he looked surprised.

I walked over to grab my white board and wrote down, 'So do you wanna go now or later?'

Fooling guys was too easy. "Wait what?"

'I thought you wanted to hook up with me.' I shrugged and went to lay on my bed next to Jace.

"Are you being serious?" I already did this to him once, I didn't think he would fall for it again.

'Well I'm already naked under here.' And then I pointed to my shirt and gave him a duh look.

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