Team - ????

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

If it were any easier, they'd be sipping tea while strolling through the forest.

Ruby and Alex encountered a few more Grimm on their path through the Emerald Forest, swiftly dispatching them in mere seconds. However, an uncommon Ursa Major proved a bit more time-consuming for Ruby. Alex, wielding Excalibur, sliced through its feet and thrust his fist into its head.

Much to her dismay.

"Hey! He was mine!" She pouted as they continued their run.

"Okay? My bad, I guess?" Alex didn't quite grasp her fixation on claiming the kill.

Did it truly matter if they both sought to eliminate it? The end result was the same, after all. Well, he didn't really care regardless.

Ruby, on the other hand, cared quite a bit. She responded awkwardly to Alex's innocent confusion, "E-Ergh, I mean, it's okay! I wasn't really mad, and I-"

"Who said you were mad, lady?" Alex was thoroughly confused.

"DON'T CALL ME LADY! I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME RUBY! R! U! B! Y! RUBY!" She emphasized her name, glaring weakly and pouting at Alex.

'I just don't get him?! Is he doing that on purpose?' Ruby attempted to piece together the enigmatic Alex, who was pretty easy to decipher, but she remained clueless to his simplicity.


It seems Ruby's prayers for avoiding a partnership with the infuriating Weiss have boomeranged back at her, delivering a different type of infuriating...

"Okay." Alex agreed easily, unbothered by her shouts.

'She didn't shout in my ear, so I'm good.' Alex nodded internally, convincing himself that dealing with Ruby's energetic demeanor was a better alternative than yesterday's Orange Nuisance.

At the pace of this girl's hyperactive golden retriever chipmunk energy, she might be a fine opponent to test Alex's Buddhist Monk-level patience.

Nevertheless, as they continued running past a few trees, Alex started hearing distant shouts and the sounds of a battle. It wasn't long before Ruby heard them as well.

"There's a fight! Alex! Let's hurry up and help!" Ruby declared as she ran ahead.

Alex, casually maintaining his pace, strode beside her as they weaved through the trees, reaching a clearing where the ruins they were seeking sprawled before them.

There, the source of the battle cries and clashing sounds unveiled itself.

Before Ruby and Alex stood a Grimm Scorpion, also known as a Deathstalker, currently engaged in combat with three familiar faces.

Jaune Arc, holding his ground with his trusty shield against a venomous strike.

Pyrrha Nikos, swiftly hurling her Mechashifted javelin to pierce the Deathstalker's right eye, prompting a screech.

And Weiss Schnee, forming glyphs to freeze the creature's menacing claws.

"Now, Nora!" Pyrrha shouted, and out from the bushes emerged the dreaded Orange-Haired Girl wielding the comically colossal hammer named Magnhild.

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