Comeback Story (Part 2) - Van

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At the sight of him stood with his duffle bag in hand, disheveled hair that was still as unruly as ever, though cut shorter than she was used to, she laughed and took her bottom lip in between her teeth. Pulling her blanket tighter around her shoulders as she looked him up and down.

He looked tired, dark bags under his eyes that looked worse than usual. Two or three day old stubble on his chin which, in a weird way suited him. He'd always managed to pull off the under slept look well, a small grin playing on his lips as he took her in, laughing at the pyjamas and blanket combo she had on.

"Sorry a didn't mean to wake you love," he teased leaning against her doorway, waiting to be let in. His voice sounded the same as she remembered it, despite the mature edge to it she could still hear the cheeky sixteen year old version of himself buried deep inside.

Trapped in a sense of disbelief that he was actually here, asking to come in without saying it. She shook her head affectionately, stepping to the side and letting him by, watching him make himself at home on her couch taking the seat she had previously occupied.

"So what brings you back, thought you were done with this place." she pondered taking the spot on the other side of the couch, propping her legs up on his lap casually as if they hadn't grown apart, as if they were still the kids they had been years ago. He'd let out a little scoff as she did it probably thinking of their teenage years spent hauled up in his bedroom at home.

"Certainly not the weather that's for sure," he laughed as if he wasn't quite ready to answer her questions, as if he wasn't quite sure himself why he was back in Llandudno. She watched him surveying her flat, taking in all the little possessions dotted about the place. A smile forming on his lips as he spotted photographs of her and the boys from years back, before they were rockstars and instead just greasy lads playing the local bars.

The trinkets and decor that littered her home signified the life she'd been living while he was away touring the world. There was once a time where he knew everything about her, knew the importance of the things she collected and the stories behind them too.

Now it was completely different between them, they were blank slates to each other. Neither one knowing what had really happened in the others life, who'd been important to them, what adventures they'd been on.

There was so much to say that neither one knew where to begin. Scared to speak up because the silence that came over them was comfortable, undisturbed. He was the first to break, speaking up distractedly.

"It looks different now," he nodded towards the room around them, eyes squinting as he racked his brains clearly trying to figure out what had changed, "It's nice, very you." he spoke, hazarding a glance in her direction a small grin playing on his lips.

"You're telling me you've turned up at my door from god knows where, to tell me that you love what I've done with the place?" She glanced at him quizzically, one eyebrow raised as she fought off a smile.

He's only laughed lazily, teasing back that he'd steal her very words for the next hit he wrote for album two. Just like that slipping back into old habits, conversations flowing as if nothing had changed in either of their lives.

Things quickly began to become more comfortable, sharing a bottle of wine she had stuffed away her fridge. Neither of them realising how they were slowly migrating closer and closer to each other, or at least if they did they didn't mention it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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