Coming Up Easy - Benji

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"In here," Benji breathed, pulling her into one of the green rooms that accompanied the recording studio they'd been occupying. For the past week the band had spent unimaginably long hours trying out different effects and methods that a proper studio had to offer.

They were getting a feel for the future that was inevitably ahead of them if all this went to plan, a tiny taste of what was on offer if they bit the bullet and produced something magical that their label ate up. A future where releasing more albums filled with songs Van had already written and had ready to use seemed feasible and in reaching distance, as opposed to a pipe dream that they'd all been fuelling since they were 14.

Apprehensive to get away, she'd allowed Benji to guide her from the others, pulling her gently towards the green room that wasn't in use. She'd felt useless all week, unable to do anything that was of any importance to their recording. Hovering around like a bad smell she curled herself up in the corner, safely out of the road of anything important. Occasionally chatting with whoever was sat with her also.

Since even Larry had things to do, moving pedals and guitars in and out of the recording booth all day, she was left to hover around like a lost puppy while they worked. It seemed like all she was useful for was making sure they ate and topping up their tea supplies. On tour there was always an odd job she could do, from setting up merch stands to untangling wires for Larry but in the studio she was forced to take a back seat. Reduced to reassuring glances and supportive smiles as they recorded the same song twenty times over, only to discover Van still wasn't happy with the outcome and they were to go again.

It was hard at times not to intervene, the temptation to try and put a stop to the mumbles of disagreement which occasionally tempted a fight. It was difficult to watch how out of tune they were with one and other at times like this, all the rushing to complete the last few songs on the album made worse by their overbearing label.

Despite the labels best attempts, they were still full to the brim with their naivety and a childhood excitement that had got them this far already. Though the occasional disagreement broke out between them, she knew it was the pressure of recording their first proper album clouding their judgment. All of them just as determined to make this album their best work to date.

Each day they attacked track after track and Van hounded each of them to rerecord anything that wasn't perfect. That side of the band was one you could appreciate, all of them completely absorbed in the music. Every single detail was nursed and crafted to perfection. Within hours of arrival Van had learned what every single button did to the music, asking more questions than he ever did in school, something Bondy had joked about later that night.

Benji's smile freed her from her thoughts, mesmerised as she perched herself on the arm of the chair, resting against it but still standing all the same. She could only silently watch as he shut the door behind them, turned and caught her eye when he leant back against it and smirked.

"I thought they needed you today," she questioned a little fearfully, eyes fixing firmly on the door almost convinced that it would burst open any moment and one of the other lads would demand Benji's return immediately.

"They do, Van's on one tonight you know how he gets, he's had me record Business eight times already," he complained, "Bob actually suggested I take a break... and I couldn't resist sneaking off to see my favourite girl, could I?" His smirk dropping a little when she smiled distractedly in reply, still watching the door as if they'd already been disturbed.

"No one's gonna come barging in love, stop worrying." He spoke gently trying to reassure her, pushing off the wall and coming close putting his hands on her shoulders in a reassuring manner. "Besides, if McCann interrupts my break to have me play business one more time I might kill him." He added jokingly, reading her like an open book. The worried expression that spread across her face melting away the second his skin came into contact with hers, replaced instead by butterflies and a tingling sensation which only happened when they touched.

"I'm just being careful Ben, you's have been working dead hard and i don't want to spoil it." she spoke to him quietly as she moved closer, his hands already dropping from her shoulders to instead secure around her waist and pull her into him.

"and youse have been listening to that label of ours too much," he smirked his hand snaking up her back to rest in her hair, "trust me when I say a break is exactly what I need right now." He fell silent after that, leaning in to steal a kiss from her lips. Enticing her closer and onto her tiptoes, arms wrapped around his neck and guiding her lips to his.

"Ben," she whispered stopping him before they went too far, "not here." She shook her head slightly pushing his lips away from the spot they'd found on her neck. He whined quietly and pulled himself away from her with great difficulty, his hands finding their place at her sides once more.

Allowing him to hold her in his arms she sat content, her hands still posed on his chest allowing the scent of his aftershave to fill her senses. "Ben you ought to get back to the studio," she urged knowing that soon someone would come looking for him.

"I know" he laughed still holding her tightly, his grip not relaxing any. Trying to pull away to no avail she reluctantly spoke his name again and looked up at him with a scowl.

"Christ, I know" he spoke again, his voice going high pitched and a laugh escaping his mouth, "you're worse than Van" he teased as he pulled back from her, a small pout resting on his face at their separation. His plan working perfectly as she giggled and leaned back into his chest, stealing a kiss unable to resist.

They were so caught up in the moment they failed to notice Larry's head poking through the doorway with his usual grin, "Yous two done shagging yet?" he smirked when he caught sight of them, both jumping away and turning to look at him like deer caught in headlights.

"Only me, don't worry," Larry chuckled his hands raised defensively, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news mate, but Van wants to go again" he frowned, glancing between the two apologetically. Benji sighed and nodded, flexing his hands reluctantly and said he'd be there in a minute, watching Larry nod and scarper off to let Van know they were coming.

"Christ, if i play much more me fingers will bleed" He sighed half joking half serious, placing a kiss in her hair as they began the short walk back.

"Make sure this is the one then," she replied coyly, an idea popping into her head as she said it. Stopping outside the door where the others were sat she leaned up to give him a final kiss, whispering "I'll make it worth your while later" in his ear.

It took a second but quickly his eyes widened and his face tinged red when he realised what she was insinuating. Leaving him stood in shock she pushed the door open and smiled at the other boys politely, taking up the seat between Bob and Bondy.

"I've got a good feeling Blakes, we're so close to finishing" Van spoke the moment her boyfriend entered the room, entirely ignorant to his red cheeks and the risky incentive she'd offered him moments prior.

"I think this'll be the one mate" Benji confirmed clearing his throat, sneaking a glance in her direction as he disappeared through the door and picked up his guitar. Giving them all a lighthearted thumbs up when Van asked if he was ready to go.

She watched silently, ignoring the ongoing conversation in the background for favour of watching Benji. His fingers flew up and down the fretboard gracefully, playing each note perfectly. Though she didn't have an ear for music she knew that this was the best he'd played all day, Van's tell-tale grin only confirming it to her.

She may not have been able to speed up their ability to make the music, but at least she was there to keep them focused.

(a/n: everything i've been writing recently has been shit so i've just been editing old drafts. Sorry guys <3)

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