It Makes No Difference - Bob

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"Hiya love, how's it going?" His angelic voice spoke as the call connected after such a long time of waiting, if she closed her eyes tight enough it was almost like he was in the room here with her. It was currently quarter to 12 at night where Bob was, which was America, making it nearly five in the morning in the dreary cold of England where she was.

He was on tour for Catfish's third studio album 'The Balance' and so was over on the other side of the world until the end of this week when he'd be returning home for a few days but then flying out again for Australia. The only downside to his success was that he was rarely ever home, and due to her job she couldn't drop everything and join him on his travels therefore their only method of communication was through phone calls and if they were lucky enough the occasional face time.

"Hey B, I miss you," she pouted laid out on her back ontop of their shared bed with her legs posed against the wall, his laugh only making her miss him even more. All the memories of their tickle fights and their magnificent pillow forts lingered in the very room she sat in, now empty and seeming far too big for just one person.

"I know love, I miss you too but I'll be home before yous know it," he tried to reassure her with the same words she had heard a thousand times, never once had they made the distance any easier. She was certain that he had it easy, with a new city every night and new surroundings to explore with the boys, meanwhile she was stuck back in their little flat in Manchester, the same place where all the memories of their relationship lingered reminding her of him being so far away out of her grasp.

"How's work? You been up to much while I'm gone?" He questioned continuing the conversation, She could picture him now probably laid in his bunk his eyes closed and his earphones in, ignoring whatever was going on in the background with the rest of the lads.

"Work's fine. Things are dead boring without you though, Most nights I get in and go straight to sleep," she spoke pausing to let out a little yawn before continuing, "I've taken the extra hours I was on about, since you're not around to spend my free time with anyways,"

Usually she would finish at 4pm which left most of the evening to spend with Bob however they wanted, but since he'd been away the last three months she had taken on more hours working until 7 at night instead. She had planned to work the extra shifts and come in when she could to hopefully then be allowed some extra time off to spend with Bob in the small time that he would be home for.

"Are you sure that's best love? You sound exhausted, maybe you should lay off on the extra hours this week," she could hear the concern in his voice as he spoke, had he been home right now he would have forced her to phone in and cancel the extra shifts immediately. If he had been home he would've seen just how drained she was and have done everything in his power to force her to rest.

"S'fine B. I'm fine just a little tired. Y'know... considering it's quarter to five in the morning," she giggled reminding him of the time difference's which she knew he had forgotten about, it was easy done though especially due to how long they had been away from each other for.

"I dunno why you even bother working babe it's not like we need the money," he began starting the rant he had been having frequently since The Balcony had been released, after they had finally had the breakthrough that would catapult them into success, he was determined to convince her to quit her job and let him cover the costs.

"We've been through this before Bob I am not letting you pay for me to do nothing all day, and besides it keeps me busy while you're away touring," she couldn't help but imagine the eye roll he'd be doing right now and the little scowl that would be on his face as she dismissed the idea yet again. He knew that she didn't like the idea of seeming like she was reliant on him financially, especially since he was a celebrity and their relationship was in the limelight to a certain extent at least.

Amongst the fans she was quite popular and was often told that her and Bob were the perfect couple, but that didn't mean that she wasn't susceptible to the occasion hate message. She knew how cruel people could be, witnessing it daily on social media. She also knew that if people thought for one minute she was reliant on him for money she'd be called all sorts of names and it just wouldn't be worth it.

"But then you could come on tour with me, think about it. Please?" he begged drawing out his last word in the hopes of convincing her otherwise. She smiled at how adorable he was, wanting nothing more than to get close to him and cuddle like they often would when he was home. Instead she rolled over and lay on his pillow, hugging the oversized T-shirt she had on which belonged to him close, it still smelled like him. The smell of his aftershave mixed with the mint gum he always chewed, still strongly attached to the fabric reminding her of how it felt to be in his arms.

"As much as I'd love to, baby you know I can't," she smiled back, even as much as she would love to drop everything and go on tour with the boys there was no way she could do so. That was something she and Bob both knew and had been aware of before they had even got together officially. It was something that they had spent many nights pondering and planning ways around it, their plans getting more and more ridiculous as the nights wore on.

"I know... I love you so much babe I just wish you were here," his voice dropped down to a whisper as he spoke sounding as if with the right amount of pressure he would break entirely, it pained her to recognise the upset in his voice. She knew that while Bob was the most loving and affectionate person she had ever met sometimes the fame and playing shows every night because overwhelming for him and like everyone, sometimes he just needed a break.

"I love you too B, I wish I could be there to give you a massive cuddle." She spoke lovingly, hoping that she could at least get him to crack a smile before he had to hang up. "Just remember that very soon you'll be back here with me and we can make pillow forts and binge movies again," It seemed that her attempts proved successful as he laughed and nodded through the phone, although she couldn't see him she knew that was exactly what he was doing.

"Sounds fantastic babe," he hummed sounding just as exhausted as she was. She knew that this meant she'd soon have to say goodbye to him as he'd be falling asleep if she kept him for much longer. Although he loved performing with all his heart doing it night after night and travelling really took it out of him, especially when he was already disturbed by time zone changes.

"Get some rest darling. One more week till you're back and then we can stay up all night if you want to." She smiled, it was always so bittersweet saying goodbye to him. On the one hand she knew that he needed to go and get the rest his body was craving so that he could perform his heart out on stage for the last few shows they had left in the states. But on the other hand she wanted to keep him just for a little bit longer, with the uncertainty of not knowing when the next time she would be able to call him would be.

"I don't wanna end the-" he began pausing mid sentence to yawn "call." She felt her heart swell as he tried to very sleepily convince her that he wasn't just about to pass out. He yawned a few more times before admitting defeat and waiting for her to say goodbye knowing that's what was coming next.

"Goodnight b, sleep well and stay safe my love," she spoke softly making sure not to be too loud as she could tell he'd be fast asleep in the next five minutes. "I love you my little rockstar," she teased evoking another laugh from him which melted her heart completely.

"Goodnight baby, sweet dreams," he responded just as softly, the tiredness evident in his voice no matter how much he tried to hide it. "I love you angel, see you Sunday," her lips curved up at the thought of him being home so soon even if it was just for a week.

"Bye," she got in just before the call disconnected and Bob no doubt would have passed out by now. Wrapping herself up tightly in their sheets she readied herself to go to sleep taking a final glance at her photo home screen, a picture of her a Bob when they were just teenagers. She smiled fondly at the image knowing that very soon she'd be in his arms once more.

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