Tinker tinker little pup

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Chase p.o.v

Everyone is starting to got to bed but I'll stay up for 10 more minutes just to well you know check on everyone.I here a guy saying heyyyyy or something so I investigate "Hey!Anyone there?"I get no response just the same Heyyyyyy sound I find the sound and it was coming from a bush I walk up to it and find out it was a tape recorder I was tricked I then check everyone's pup house but Rocky wasn't in his I think he was getting his late night snack so I decided to go to bed.

The next day
Skye p.o.v

I woke up and stretched a bit I then went to the look out tower to get a drink of water and then I do the pup bogie but then Chase walks in"Skye what are you doing up so early it 5:20 am.We get up around 7.Chase tells me."I'm just having some fun Chase.wanna dance with me?""sure!"Chase replies.Im so excited to dance with Chase.some how the tv shut off."I got this Skye I'll call Rocky so he can fix..."I interrupted Chase to say."Chase I know how to do this see."I quickly fix the screen in 7 minutes and That leaves Chase with a surprised expression on his face."How did you?"Chase asks surprisingly "I have my ways." I tell Chase and for some reason I wanted to kiss him so I kissed his cheek.

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