Fire and Rescue

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Chase p.o.v

This is bad!Marshall is unable to put out the fire because his water cannons are not strong enough"Guys I'm gonna need to go in"But Chase!"says Rocky"Shut the heck up Rocky I'm  not losing the people I care about!I guess you don't understand!"I say getting frustrated.I run through the the fire getting burns all over my body but I keep running."Ryderrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!"I hear nothing but the burning walls"Chase we are over here!"Ryde respond I push debris away that was around Ryder and Katie and doing that gives me more burns on my head making me feel a bit light headed I lead the 2 out from a small hole but rocks cover it trapping only me inside"what can I do wait there a way ouuuu...ughhh."

Skye p.o.v

Ryder calls me and says"Skye me and Katie got out but Chase is trapped inside!""I'm coming Ryder!"I say while I go to my helicopter and fly there.I arrive and break through a vent and I see Chase unconscious on the floor."Chase wake up please."I say."Who are you where am I...ughh"Chase says then he passes out I come out the same way I came in and we arrive to the lookout

49 minutes later
Skye p.o.v

Chase wakes up!"Who are you what is this place who am I?"asks Chase.Something is up with Chase I hope he didn't lose his memory."I'm Ryder Chase."says Ryder."Who's Chase?"asks Chase."Your Chase!"Ryder tells Chase"I'm not Chase im...I don't know."says Chase"I'm gonna grab something Skye can you watch Chase?"asks Ryder."Sure."I say."Hey Chase."I say."Who's Chase?"I sigh and Ryder comes back and he scans Chase."Skye he has temporary memory loss because of the burns he has on his head when he rescued me and Katie."Says Ryder."So how do we fix him?"I ask."We have to wait."says Ryder

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