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Third person Pov

It had been two weeks since they finished the project and Ethan kept trying his best to be friends with darrian even though he didn't seem that interested. The ring had also started to change colors but darrian noticed the ring was silver whenever Ethan was around he didn't know why that was. Soon the final bell rang but darrian felt his bag being grabbed and turned meeting Ethan.

"Yes?" Darrian asks. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place later today" Ethan says. Darrian didn't mind having Ethan around he wouldn't ever admit it but he loved the other boys sense of humor however he was questioning why Ethan continued to hang out with him I mean they had already finished their project and gotten a decent grade.

Plus why would Ethan one of the most popular and well known people in Harlem want to be friends with him of all people. "Sure" darrian says going to turn away but was once again stopped. "What's up with you?" Ethan asks. "What do you mean?" Darrian asks. "I mean you act like you don't rock with me" Ethan says. "Im just confused as to why you keep hanging with me the project is over" darrian says.

"I know that but I figured we could be friends" Ethan says. Ethan honestly after doing the project had began to realize how cool darrian could be and figured they could be friends I mean after all he had shown darrian his hideout so he was definitely more than just some kid from school. "You wanna be friends?" Darrian asks almost shocked.

"Ain't that what I just said?" Ethan asks jokingly with a smile. "Alright I guess we can be friends then" darrian asks before walking home and found himself talking with Ethan the whole way.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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