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Third person Pov

Ethan held his side trying to control the bleeding occasionally looking back at kdots body that had many bruises as he Kay on the train track. Ethan had Darrian's ring on his finger and began to feel light headed as he attempted to walk out the station. He could heart his own heart beat slowing down and began to have a cold sweat and got weaker by the second.

He looked down at his hand that was covered in blood and his vision began to blur. He began seeing clocks and swore he heard a cuckoo clock and clock hands going backwards. He found himself falling on the steps and looked down at Darrian's ring that had turned black.

He smiled weakly thinking about darrian. They say before you die you see flashes of your life but all Ethan saw was darrian. He thought back to when he interrupted his presentation, when they worked on the project, their first kiss and all the memories they had shared during their friendship.

He felt a tear go down his cheek once he thought about darrian was probably at home waiting for him to come back but he knew with the way things were looking that most likely wasn't happening. He could still hear his heartbeat slowing down and had a flashback of the cold look in kdots eyes before he had stabbed him.

"I love you darrian" Ethan thinks to himself looking at the ring before he felt everything go black. Soon the ambulance was called and they took both kdot and Ethan to the hospital. Kdot had survived but sadly Ethan had lost to much blood and they couldn't save him. Meanwhile darrian was at home laying on his bed oblivious to all that was happening still waiting for Ethan to come back even texting his phone.

Darrian turned once he heard his door open and saw his mom walking in and he could tell by the look on her face this wasn't going to be good. "Darrian" his mother said so tenderly before looking off trying to control her own emotions. "Ethan got into an accident at the subway station they tried to save him but-" his mother started but darrian was already getting up shaking his head.

"No no" Darrian says and his mother goes after him trying to hug him but he quickly moves away. "Your lying! He was just here is this some kind of prank cause it's not funny" darrian says with tears now streaming down his face and his mother shakes her head. "I'm sorry" his mother says and he found his legs giving out and he crashed to the ground crying.

He wanted this to all be some sick dream that he would wake up from but this was all real. They all ended up signing his poster almost everyone was outside showing their respects but darrian couldn't bring himself to interact with anyone his heart hurt so much. He kept calling Ethan's phone and texting him just wishing he could hear his voice.

He looked back at their old messages and videos wishing he could go back and worst of all he never even got the chance to tell Ethan how he felt about him. Soon they held a funeral and to say darrian was hurt was an understatement he felt numb as if his heart had been ripped straight out of his chest.

He found himself walking over to Ethan's casket looking into it knowing this would be the last time he ever saw Ethan again but he was still in denial. He leaned down placing a kiss on Ethan's forehead before putting on a sad smile and looking down at Ethan's hand seeing he was wearing his ring.

Ethan's death was all his fault he did all this so darrian could have his ring back. "You wanna go to our spot e?" Darrian asks with tears streaming down his face. "We can write some more music we can do whatever you want just wake up!" Darrian yelled crying even harder catching everyone's attention.

"He's gone darrian he's gone" Mrs Reyes spoke softly with tears in her eyes but he couldn't handle hearing those words he couldn't be gone. Ethan was all he had. "Let's go home" Darrian says to Ethan still having hope he'd respond or he'd wake up and all this would be a dream. "Baby boy wake up" darrian says before he ran away from the scene not able to handle this.

He had lost his best friend, his crush and favorite person. He just wanted Ethan to pull him into a hug before telling him to meet him at their spot. Thats exactly where darrian went he went to their spot thinking about how he lost everything in that little bit of time.

Only one more chapter

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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