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Third person Pov

Darrian sat and watched Ethan throw stones into the lake and smiled softly watching his best friend closely. Darrian pulled out his notebook and began to draw. Drawing was one of his favorite things to do it helped him with his stress and helped him get his emotions out. He lately had been using Ethan as his muse.

Every drawing involved him in some way. "What you writing?" Ethan asks and darrian closed his book quickly. "Nothing" darrian says and Ethan smirked before taking a seat in front of darrian. "Oh I see what's going on" Ethan says and darrian felt his face heat up. "You do?" Darrian asks. "You got a crush" Ethan says.

"That's not true" Darrian says. "Naw twin don't lie to me I can tell you got a crush you probably writing love songs in that book" Ethan says. "No there just drawings but there not that good" Darrian says with a blush. He couldn't risk Ethan looking in the book he might judge him. "Mhm" Ethan says.

"Don't say that it makes me think you don't believe me" Darrian says. "Cause I don't" Ethan says going back to throwing stones in the water watching the stone leap across. "Well you should" darrian says. "Why should I? But if you want me to believe you let me see the drawings" Ethan says and darrian smiled.

"Alright but you gotta catch me first" darrian says before grabbing the book and running making Ethan laugh before getting up and going after the boy. "That's not fair you for a head start" Ethan says. The only thing that could be heard was their footsteps and laughter.

I'm gonna make their friendship very beautiful and have them develop a lot more

Like I said for those who have watched the movie this is based off of ya'll gone hate me later

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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