Bringing them in and they react to the first Oneshot called Peg Leg

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I was bored so i decided to break into the abandoned theater in the mall near my house i might as well bring good use to it so once i made it into the theater by picking the lock i decided to go ahead and add some lights place some new wallpaper inside get the screen working new velvet seats were adding along with some blankets pillows and food around perfect i thought time to bring them in so i said the magic words "Jag kommer att uppmana det förflutna idag att ta med berkianerna från det förflutna för att gå in i denna övergivna teater för att titta på mina oneshots" a ton of vikings fell from the ceiling in the room i was inside "Who are you!" i heard Stoick yell i winced everyone was freaking out "SUSH IT WILL YA?" I yelled they all stayed quiet "You are here to react to my oneshots AKA things that the gang have been doing at the edge and the past, your dragons along with the gang will be joining you, these are different archipelagos as hiccup will put it but for people in my time you know it as alternate universes." I snapped my fingers to first summon the dragons they fell but flew quickly to land softly the gangs dragons among them Next the gang i snapped my fingers twice and they started to fall from the celling snoutlouts female scream rung like a school bell with how high pitched it was fishlegs screamed as well including well the rest of the gang except hiccup he yelled "OH SHIT!" and they all landed hard on the ground they groaned "Ugh.. what the f-" Hiccup started till i smacked a hand over his mouth "Children are here Mr. I cuss a lot" The villagers mouths hung open hiccup cussed? "What do you expect?, Me to be like oh hello!, i totally expected to be dropped from 1,000 feet!" i rolled my eyes "no more cussing unless i allow it" "Fine-" I had to explain it again for the gang and the dragons "Oh and i forgot to mention, the dragons will be able to speak Norse while we react" toothless walked out of the group "HICCUP! THERE YOU ARE! I WAS SO WORRIED WHEN I DIDINT GET MY FISH IN THE TIME SPAN OF 3 MINUITES" toothless yelled. hiccup rolled his eyes "Of course you were what am i meant to expect?" "Alright so basically we are going to react to the oneshots i have posted i have some prewritten but i forgot that at home so...yeah anyway don't ask how i got videos and stuff of y'all ok? oh and expect a lot of drama which is what im after here so...yea."  the screen turned on to reveal a pictures and sound

Bold is their reactions.

The reactions are set At the end  of season two of race to the edge

I woke up to a stabbing pain Hiccup blushed in embarrassment remembering what day this was where my stump was it's been 2 weeks since the red death incident and I'm still getting used to my leg the village accepts me like a human, but I still believe berk does not accept me as i am. The gang looked at hiccup who has curled up in a ball "Hiccup you didn't think that did you?" Astrid asked hiccup nodded a few tears slipping from his eyes without anyone noticing "oh hiccup I'm so sorry son this is all my fault" Stoick said "No its fine dad..." I got off my bed and placed my prostatic on my stump it was in agonizing pain but i ignored it telling myself that I'm just weak Afterall berk would probably not care.(Read my runaway book called the runaways to understand who daphne is) "Hiccup Horrendous haddock the third!" a voice in the crowd yelled hiccup looked up and his face lit up "Daphne?, when did you get here?!" "+Horselover3k just brought me here" "Who?" A girl appeared the same one who brought them all there "Me" and then disappeared "Anyway moving on ARE YOU STUPID YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING HICCUP THE VILLAGE CARES FOR YOU I CARE FOR YOU BRO!" that shocked many of the villagers some even chocked on their drinks  the gang looked shocked too "Who's this son? and why did she just call you bro?" Hiccups face was red with the attention he was getting "I'm his sister" Daphne deadpanned "WHAT!?" "She means adopted sister" Hiccup said daphne smacking him "Hey, quit reminding me will ya?" "sorry.." hiccup said "Explain?" fishlegs asked "Im sure this screen will reveal it all eventually "Scoot" Daphne demanded to hiccup sitting next to him hiccup moved allowing her to sit next to him "Horselover3k i have a question?" The girl appeared again "What? i need to get this episode finished?" "Can you bring my dragon?" "Later, but i can bring you your cat if necessary?" "Yes please" a slim tabby cat appeared on the girl named Daphne's lap "Hey baby boy!" she said in a baby voice it was a grey tabby cat with a coat that made him look like he was wearing a tux hiccup grabbed the cat from daphne hugging it "Hey!" "Whattt you always get to hold him Hes fluffy!" hiccup said pouting "Fine but don't squeeze him to hard." "I wont" they never saw hiccup without his poker face he tends to wear did he only do this near friends and well i guess family in this way" toothless growled at the cat jealous the cat hissed back "Mr.Cool be nice to toothless" The girl scolded the dragon the village decided to ignore the odd name of the cat (And no the cat above is not what looks like)  i tried to stand but screamed quietly hoping not to gain the attention of anyone toothless came rushing to Me "I'm fine bud... my legs just a little sore... that's all" Daphne rolled her eyes I said with a fake smile toothless did not believe me but let it pass however forcing me to ride on his back for today "Ugh, bud i have to work at Gobbers and the academy, i can't ride you all day after all your back will start to hurt" toothless grumbled in agreement i started to walk winced and limped around the room "See I'm fine bud!"  "Really hiccup really?" snoutlout said hiccup just laughed nervously Mr.Cool climbing down from hiccups arms and climbed back onto Daphne's lap and fell asleep i said with a very fake smile toothless managed to let me ride him for a bit which was a relief for me. when i went to Gobber, i attempted to put all my weight on my good leg which led to me having cramps in my right leg, so i had to switch my feet with me wincing whenever i moved My leg is perfectly fine i thought knowing my sarcasm was not needed at the moment "Hiccup out of all the 8 people i know closely You are the most sarcastic one out of them all" hiccup chuckled "What its one of my best quality's?" Daphne gave a look the read "Are you sure about that" Stoick was jealous that this girl had a closer relationship with hiccup than he ever did with his son their relationship has gotten better but it will never be the same toothless was not allowed inside the forge because of lack of space so he laid outside. it came to the point where i had to head to the academy i mounted toothless and walked to the academy there was no way i could control toothless's tail fin so flying was a no today i should just give the gang a day off or something like that. if only we got days off for normal things the twins grumbled the cat once again woke up and rubbed against hiccup and daphne lays on both of them now Astrid started to get jealous what if they were lying about them being siblings what if hiccup had a secret girlfriend that nobody knew about?! "Hey hiccup!" Astrid called out Geting the attention of the others "Hey where have you been we have been waiting for ages!" tuffnut said "Sorry i got caught up in the forge" i lied  "How did we not notice that hiccup is the worst Lier in the world"  fishlegs said "You tell me" Daphne said  "Hiccup what are we doing today?" Fishlegs asked "Well i thought we could just take the day off you know?" i said my leg still in excruciating pain "Who are you and what have you done with hiccup?" ruffnut asked "now i know my cousin and he never give us a day off..." snoutlout said coming over checking me for a fever "Oh you're not sick..." snoutlout said "Are you ok hiccup?" Astrid asked me "I'm fine" i said "Uhm... Ok" tuffnut said "well what should we do?"

~ A few hours later dinner time~

 the pain in my leg increased 5x more than it was before, something was wrong i knew it but i didn't say anything the pain started to cause a very painful headache i felt dead as i started to barley walk no crawl up the great hall stairs i once again refused toothless's help because i didn't want to feel weak everyone was already inside once i made it to the top i felt like i was dying Slow claps filled the halls "Good for you hiccup what is this that 8764 millionth time you did not tell anyone you were hurting" daphne said in the most sarcastic way possible she must have been hanging out with hiccup quite a bit to be able to do that Stoick thought "Its not my proudest moment ok.." Hiccup said i didn't even try to hide the pain as i opened the doors my dad looked a me "Hiccup are you ok?!" Stoick asked his face and eyes full of concern i was leaning against a wall feeling unconscious greet me "I'm fine... da-" i passed out "You know that could of killed you" Daphne said "I didn't think about it at the time" Hiccup replied "You may be the smartest viking i know but dang you can be so stupid sometimes" Daphne said Hiccup faked being offended with a mouth open "Harsh!" he said but chuckled showing he was just kidding the village watched the two in shock hiccup may be sarcastic with everyone else but they never saw him be like this with anyone else except for toothless. 

Toothless Pov:

 I ran up to hiccup his  dad came too hiccup as well picked him up and brought him to gothi's the gang and Gobber not far behind "Did we just get a Pov of toothless?" Hiccup said randomly "Yes" Toothless said "I sound so majestic don't i?" Hiccup rolled his eyes.

~Few hours later Hiccup Pov~ i woke up greeted by pain i groaned "Hiccup" dad noticed i woke up i saw Gobber and the rest of the gang as well "What hurts hiccup?" dad asked me "My leg..." I barely got out before blacking out again. The amputees winced they could tell that hiccup was in a bad state but this sounded worse then any of the phantom pains they got and thats saying a lot

Toothless Pov: Gothi checked hiccups leg it was red and looked infected cue more wincing and hiccup hiding his face she wrote in the sand telling the rest and Gobber translated it "she said that its infected and is causing hiccup a ton of pain" "Has this just happened?" Stoick asked, "About six hours" A punch and a groan echoed the theater they all looked at Daphne she punched hiccup in the shoulder "Why would you do that?!" "Because your stupid!" Daphne yelled back Gobber replied, "Why didn't he say anything?!" Astrid asked "You know hiccup he's stubborn" "you got that right" Stoick said Hiccup looked at him "Dad you are just as stubborn as I am so don't even start" Hiccup replied laughing Gobber replied gothi got out some herbs to make medicine for hiccup.

~Few hours later sorry for all the time skips~

Hiccup Pov: i awoke to very little pain "D-dad?" i asked "Hiccup! why didn't you tell me your leg hurt?" "I didn't want you to think i was weak..." i replied Oh, hiccup the village is worried about you, if something happens like this every again tell me, ok?" "Ok..." i replied i learned that day the village did care.
"WOW FINNALY OMG ITS THE END OF THE WORLD HICCUP DECIDED TO USE HIS BRAINS AND RELISE PEOPLE DO CARE!" Daphne yelled sarcastically "Rude, You've done stupid stuff in the past to so-"  "true.." "That one time when you decided to go up against some dragon hunters alone?" The gang looked up at hiccup "But she was never with us whenever we were at dragons edge?" "Well we may have been on missions with dagur and alivin alone a few times.." "Alvin?, how long have you two known each other?" "As long as i've known toothless" Hiccup replied "Explain?" Ruffnut said "I'm sure the videos will explain it itself" Daphne replied "Now i don't know about you but its late I'm hungry and I'm tired so Horselover3k, Can we get food please?" "Fine-" the girl appeared again "What do you want?" "Pancakes" "For dinner girl-" Daphne gave the girl a glare "Alright alright pancakes for everyone then!" food appeared in front of the villagers and fish for the dragons "What's this" hiccup heard many people ask "Daphnes own creation, one of her greatest achievements" Hiccup said bragging about his sister "Shut" Daphne said blushing "What its true" "ugh whatever" Astrid was getting more jealous there was history between these two that's what she knew for sure. after everyone ate enjoying the food I teleported again bringing down the chairs which will make a good bed for everyone and i even added a cat bed for a certain already asleep tabby cat he was so cute drooling it looked as if he was running with the position he was in i wonder if he's dreaming of running in the woods with starclan watching over him

Thats part One i hope you all enjoy this! 

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