Reaction to Sleep Paralysis

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"Alright, that one is over Now we are going to watch a longer one about sleep paralysis" Horselover3k said appearing out of know where "What's that?" Stoick asked "Um... How do i put this... uhm Sleep paralysis is like when you're lying in your cozy bed, all snug and warm, but suddenly your body decides to take a little break. It's like your muscles say, "Hey, let's not move right now!" So, you're stuck there, unable to wiggle your toes or swing your mighty Viking arms. But wait, there's more! During this strange moment, your mind might decide to throw a wild party. You start seeing things—hallucinations! Maybe a dragon flies by, or Thor himself pays a visit. It's like your imagination goes on an epic adventure without your permission. And here's the kicker: You might feel like a giant sea serpent is sitting on your chest, making it hard to breathe. But fear not, brave Viking! Sleep paralysis is harmless. It won't turn you into a frozen statue forever. Eventually, your muscles wake up, and you can move again. So, next time you're drifting off to dreamland, remember that even fierce warriors like you can experience this curious phenomenon. Just blame it on Odin's mischief or Loki playing tricks" (Credit to AI for giving that explanation) "Oh i would hate that happening to me..." Gobber said "let me guess. i get to suffer" hiccup said unamused " Uhm... Yea sorry hiccup im- I mean your future is not very nice to you... Uh sorry?" She said, "why is ALWAYS me?!" hiccup groaned "Well, don't go blaming me this is Loki's fault not mine" she said making a fake laugh and disappeared. "Can i leave?" hiccup said right before the screen started to play. Horselover3k reappeared looking annoyed "I wouldn't be a good reaction without everyone's favorite person reacting to it... but fine I'm already getting secondhand embarrassment thinking how this is going to look on Wattpad-" Everyone gave her weird looks "UGH fine I'll put you in the room next to this one she said snapping her fingers hiccup disappeared. (With hiccup) hiccup appeared in an empty room (An abandoned part of the theater) "Alright lets finally get into the reaction now..." horselover3k said she vanished, and the screen started to play Daphne put her legs up on the now empty seat and got comfortable. 

Set in rtte

Hiccup was working on the new dragon eye it was around 2AM he didn't get any sleep at all and was getting very stressed. "What is he doing up so late?" Stoick asked worried for his son's health "Sir, He tends to stay up to 3 and only get if lucky 3-4 hours of sleep" Daphne explained. "''W-why?" Stoick asked even more concerned "he has things he 'needs to do' like working on a map that he can do during the day" she said meanwhile the gang were staring at her questioning how she knew that. He sighed looked behind his shoulder to see toothless sleeping. He shook his head smiling the night fury was drooling hiccup placed the unfinished dragon eye on the table "Is that..." fishlegs trailed off "He's making another dragon eye!?" The twins yelled the village looked on with wide eyes knowing how intercut the details are on the dragon eye also knowing how much information held in it just left Vikings questioning how he managed to make it. and headed to bed hoping to get at least 3 hours of sleep tonight, he closed his eyes and fell in a deep sleep. He didn't know what time it was when he awoke it was pitch black, he could breathe, he could see but he couldn't move or speak it started to make him panic. "What's wrong with the lad?!" Gobber yelled worrying for his apprentice. "Gobber, Did you not hear what the girl said?" Stoick yelled annoyed at Gobber for not using his brain cells while his son is suffering in front of him. "Ya i did i just didn't think we were going to get details on what happened to the boy" Gobber said tears in his eyes while continuing to watch.

Hiccups Pov:

I awoke I had no clue what time it was still dark from what I could see, I couldn't move I started to panic i felt a pressure in my chest taking deep breaths i calmed myself it'll be fine oh what am i saying it's not ok! The villagers looked around worried they all know hiccup would never and i mean never say that he's not fine. I tried to call out for toothless but i couldn't move my mouth i heard footsteps coming towards me they sounded heavy and unhuman like... i heard it breathing i looked at it. it was a slim black creature with stuff dripping off of it. it had glowing white eyes with no pupils it had sharp teeth that were a yellowish grey sharp like hookfangs why hasn't toothless woken up yet?! Some of the young kids who were there covered their face and shrieked in pure terror meanwhile snoutlout screamed bloody murder and covered his face Stoick looked worriedly to Gobber "What causes this?" its face came up close to mine and breathed on my face its hot breath scared me more it was there i wasn't imagining things or was i?.. i usually hate to admit when I'm scared but I'm terrified right now. I blinked multiple times trying to prove to my brain I'm seeing things it may have been an hour or just a few minutes it kept staring at me but i blinked again and it was gone... "Oh hiccup... Why don't you talk to anyone?" Astrid whispered  i could move again i sat up breathing heavily i decided to not sleep the rest of the night i went down from my loft area my breathing was uneven my hands were shaking quite a worrying bit i grabbed a small cup and poured water from the jug i had placed on the small table i had in my hut i drank the water like a person who hasn't drunken anything for days i leaned against the wall and sliding down and sitting on the floor my head resting on the wall what just happened?.. Gothi sighed the poor boy had no clue what just occurred  my breathing was still very shaky i went back to where my bed was and checked on toothless why hadn't he noticed? i patted him slightly on the head attempting to wake him up still very wary of my surroundings toothless crooned and groaned when i woke him once he opened his eyes, he got up immediately sensing my distress "Hey bud... Can i stay with y-y-you tonight...?" i said trying not to stutter. he opened his wings allowing me to cuddle up next to him. Everyone awed at that they wished they had the bond toothless and hiccup had those two would give their life's for each other i stayed inside of toothless's wings the rest of the night staying awake. I was tired but chose not to sleep, I just needed the comfort of my brother The village once again awed at that the two were like brothers. I woke toothless when I started to see light streaming from the small gap where toothless's tail did not cover "C-come on bud we better go to the gang" i said still shakily toothless looked at me in concern "I-I'm fine bud" i said sounding so fake. Some chuckled at how bad he was at lying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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