Reaction To Old Photo's

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Once all the villagers headed back to their seats Horselover3k reappeared "Hello again, alright so you all finished lunch so..., we are going to watch a longer video and quite funny in my opinion. i don't think a certain haddock would like it Tho..." She finished quietly seeing the look of pure fear on hiccups face "Oh Thor... what is it this time?" Hiccup said "Uh... You'll find out, Villagers this takes place in the future, So Have fun everyone >:)" Horselover3k disappeared, and the screen lit up again the Vikings were more excited for this because it took place in the future.

Me and the gang were flying heading back to berk to visit it's been a while, and we need to get our mind off of the whole war stuff War?! The entire room burst into villagers talking over one another and the parents of the teens were worried What war?!  i had no clue i was about to regret it so much my dad and Gobber always have found a way to embarrass me and always will and i had no clue it could get this bad... "Oh no... what did you two do again!?" Hiccup yelled towards Gobber and Stoick "This is the future Laddy how am i meant to know?" Gobber said, "Knowing you it's really embarrassing ...ugh." Daphne giggled "Whatever it is i can't wait to see it" she said laughing. hiccup put his hands in his head "Oh gods"

So as i said we were headed for berk we have been in the air for a good 3 hours and have been bored with 2 hours remaining Snoutlout started to talk about old childhood memories we all had together now the majority of them happened to not include me for well obvious reasons...The room was quiet "Poor lad" they  heard some woman whisper  Snoutlout mentioned that berk tended to love to get pictures of their children snoutlout remembering spitelout showing him the pictures that were hand drawn by the local artist i was not really paying attention until Astrid mentioned "I wonder if Stoick has some pictures of baby hiccup since we never got to know hiccup when he was younger..." I scratched my neck "Uh he... Heh well you know i think he got rid of those yeah... DONT ASK TO SEE THEM-" The gang looked at me weird Now the entire room burst into laughter most of them could tell where this was going they were all about to see some baby hiccup! "Oh come on they can't be that bad..." I could feel my face getting hotter clearly blushing in embarrassment... "I've never seen them but i know dad he's going to photograph the cringest (I spelt that wrong and I'm too lazy to fix it) moments of my life!" snoutlout raised an eyebrow whispering in fishlegs ear who happened to be near him "We are so asking Stoick to see my baby cousin." "NO NO please no!" Hiccup yelled while daphne went full on laughing to the point she almost passed out "YES YES I WANT TO SEE THEM!" She yelled hiccup looked at her "How would you like your baby photos to be shown in front of the entire village with a population of 2,345?" That quieted daphne "Oh come on baabe i want to see you as a baby" Astrid whined Shocked gasps rang through the halls "ARE Y'ALL DATING?" some kid yelled "NO!" Hiccup and Astrid yelled at the same time flustered and confused why Astrid called hiccup babe "NO MY ASTRID SHES BEEN TAKEN FROM ME!" snoutlout wailed on the floor and daphne yelled "I SHIP IT! THEIR SHIP NAME IS GOING TO BE HICCSTRID!" "WER'RE NOT DATING ITS JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING" Hiccup yelled. while Stoick whispered to Gobber "Now i better get those grandkids soon"   "Ugh" we eventually made it back to berk i just dismounted my face blushing with embarrassment after the gang kept imagining scenarios of pictures dad will have, I just walked off toothless following me" The gang laughing behind some villagers staring at me wondering what is going on. Some of the villagers laughed at the young heir so embarrassed.

Stoick Pov: I walked over to greet my son and his friends, but hiccup just dismounted and walked away looking extremely embarrassed I gave the teens a look asking for an answer "Ohh chief we started bringing up baby pictures and starting teasing hiccup imagining all types of pictures you may have oh, and by the way can we see them?!" Snoutlout said getting straight to the point "Gods no" hiccup mumbled under his breath i haven't looked at those pictures for a long time since hiccup turned 9 ten years ago, they were stuffed under the small hidden compartment near the fire in our hut. "Well, it's decided you all can come over for dinner I'll drag Gobber along as well i believe he has a few pictures he has of hiccup in the forge when he was a baby" i said smirking knowing i will get to embarrass hiccup i take any chance i can get.  "Wow feeling the love dad." "YES!!!" everyone screamed clearly excited to tease hiccup for many years to come. "Yay can't wait... for suffering love, it..." hiccup said 

~Time skip 3 hours later~

3rd person Pov:

After the gang spent some time with their family's they all headed to hiccups house to go ahead and tease him hiccups face was already tomato red in embarrassment when he was looking at Gobbers pictures "Why, why?" Hiccup said his mind in another archipelago when the gang saw his reaction they ran over to see the pictures Gobber had They all cooed thinking hiccup was adorable as a baby  the picture was of hiccup that fell asleep at his workbench clearly working on a picture of a small bird his drawling skills have definitely increased since then hiccup looked to be about five then Awah the villagers cooed While hiccup just hid his face meanwhile daphne was chuckling a bit seeing hiccups face. there were multiple other pictures there were multiple ones with hiccup wearing some diapers that Gobber made him that were fit snuggly on his small bum "I'm going to go scream in the ocean" Hiccup said leaving the house. The entire villager burst into laughter meanwhile hiccup was groaning covering his face and murmuring things like "Why, why Thor?"  they all laughed out loud when they actually heard him scream he walked back in wearing a poker face "if you show them one more i swear-"  Hiccups sentence was cut short by the slam of a entire book Stoick had full of pictures "WELL!, there goes my brain cells for the day" Now the entire room burst into laughter hiccups sarcastic self-made it even funnier hiccup said giving in and just joining them the gang laughed at pictures of hiccup there were some were hiccup was wearing a onesie that looked like a dragon (Don't ask) He looked to be at least 3 months old there and Valka apparently made it for him. "AWHHH YOU WERE SO CUTE!, what happened?" Daphne said "Ugh RUDE!" Daphne laughed  a lot of the pictures were of a baby hiccup asleep in Stoicks arms hugging his plushie he was apparently scared of when he was younger Stoick started chuckling to himself "Oh the good ones are here" He said Hiccup saw them and immediately turned bright red the villagers sat up in their seats ready to see what the pictures were. Stoick at least had about 20 pictures of hiccup making the silliest faces Hiccup screamed in a pillow however the other pictures were heartwarming hiccup had a baby bird in his hands looking at least 5 or 6 having the biggest smile in the archipelago The next few pictures i don't think anyone was ready for there was a picture of Valka holding hiccup and smiling in joy "I-is that mom?" Hiccup asked choking back tears Stoick nodded slowly. Some of the older villagers grew quiet at the picture for they remembered how happy Valka was when hiccup was a baby she loved the boy hiccup was silent while the rest of the gang looked at hiccup sadly meanwhile snoutlout was looking at Valka with love struck eyes.  Gobber placed his hand on Stoick's shoulder "It's kind of crazy i forgot this picture was in here..." "She was beautiful" Astrid said quietly. a tear slid down hiccups cheek he wiped if off quickly. The gang looked at hiccup disappointed that he was trying to hide back his emotions. though only Astrid noticed. Stoick grabbed a paper from above the fireplace and placed in inside the book it was a paper copy of the shield that hiccup and Stoick got made for them 3 years ago. toothless somehow creeping in on the copy hiccup smiled at the memory... "Oh yes that was a great ending everyone seeing my handsome face look at those earflaps I'm so sexy!" Toothless said with a smug face "No..Just no" hiccup said 

The end for now Cya.


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