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Trust is a fickle thing.

Trust can lie and trust and deceive.

I don't trust trust and she doesn't trust me. Trust left me when I was around 13, in the eighth grade respectively.
Trust gave up trying to help me right then and there.

And for that, you can blame me.

We were friends from elementary school.

The six of us.

I'll call them M, F, E, S, and V.

We were no longer friends because of me.

But we began taking sides from the argument between M and E.

I don't blame them.

I never will.

It's not their fault.

It never could be.

But it began with that game.

The one we all played.

The one with the role playing and the horror games and the fashion showings.

It began when M wanted to give their account to their cousin. They were unfriending all the others on the game. Erasing it was ever theirs.

E noticed and didn't like that. E got mad and this is where it began.

F, S, and V took E's side.

I don't know why.

I do know they should've stayed neutral.

Like me.

Like I should've been.

I could see M was alone in it.

I knew what it was like.

To be alone.

So, I gave her the support she needed.

But this where it got bad.

By doing this it meant I had chosen.

I picked a side.

Maybe I hadn't realized it then.

It ended when I was dragged into a conversation by F, S, and V.

I swore them off.

"You're bad friends."

I wrote.

"You're bad people."

I never once regretted it. I never have.

It needed to be said.

E thought it was for her.

It wasn't.

Our group broke up right then and there.

I no longer know how to trust,

And it's been almost three years.

Things I Will Never Sayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن