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Hopeless. Sadness. Confusion.

These are the three emotions I felt as I sat in the dimly lit hospital room. 

I watched my mother with sadness in my heart.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor filled the air. The beeping was a a constant reminder of my mother's fragile state. Tubes and wires were attached to her body, keeping her alive while she lay motionless in the hospital bed. Her face was pale, and her breathing shallow.

I was job hunting when I got a call that my mother had been brought to the hospital by an ambulance. The doctors said she had suffered a heart attack and had slipped into a coma.

I gazed at my mom, feeling a lump form in my throat.

How did we end up here?

I thought back to the days when she was vibrant and full of life. She was always there to support me. Now, I was the one who needed to be strong for her.

Looking at my mom in this state brought tears to my eyes. When she was healthier, she was full of joy and was always vibrant. She was the type of woman who could light up a room with her smile alone.

I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. 

I was broke, barely scraping by with odd jobs here and there. My mom's health got worse with time and I had to drop out of school to get a job.

I had a stable job as a secretary in a good firm for about seven months but guess what? I got fired because my boss's hands started to wander a bit too far each time. I thought I could tolerate it till he reached up under my skirt one day. He told me he would fire me if I didn't comply. So, I left. I wasn't cut out for that kind of life.

When things got hard, I was tempted to go back and beg him, I won't lie, but my conscience advised me against it.

My mom got worse by the day. The medical bills were piling up, and I had no idea how I would afford the treatment my mom desperately needed.

Right now, I don't have a job and neither do I have money. I spent all my savings on my mother's treatment.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I pondered on the burden I carried.

What am I going to do?

I can't bear the thought of losing my mom.

It's so hard to find a job out there these days especially since I don't have a degree. I've tried everything, trust me.

It seems as if my best isn't good enough..

Just as my mind was consumed with worry, the door swung open.

A doctor walked in. The collar of his lab coat was stained with blood. It was almost unnoticeable but not to me. I noticed almost everything. You might think this is a useful trait but it stresses me out a lot especially when I get fixated on it.

He glanced at me briefly before his eyes settled on my mom's still form.

"Miss Mia," he said, his voice filled with sympathy. "I'm Dr. Rivers. I wanted to talk to you about your mother's condition."

I nodded.

My gaze still focused on the blood on his coat.

Whose was it?

"Miss Mia?" he repeated. For some reason, I didn't pay attention to him.

I had a lot on my mind and I needed a distraction, even if it was just for a second.

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