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The day for the interview finally came.

It turned out that Helen did put in a good word for me after all and for that I was grateful.

I was in the hospital when I got the call from the mansion. They formally invited me and put me on the list. On the day of the interview, I nervously adjusted the collar of the dress I wore which I borrowed from Ashley.

Ashley was just as excited as I was about the interview. She took it upon herself to make sure I look my best for today. She dressed me up in one of her nicest red corporate dresses. She curled my hair and forced me to wear make up and heels.

I complained to her, thinking I was overdressed.

Now, that I'm seated amongst the other applicants, I wish I could go back home to dress even better.
The ladies here all looked like Instagram models. I saw about five of them park their cars outside. They all wore designer dresses with their hairs professionally blown out. They wore expensive jewelry and had the latest I phones.

They looked like they were going for an elite party or dinner. I was the most underdressed and it showed. They probably wondered what I was doing here. Even I wondered the same thing.

These ladies look high class. How much is the salary exactly?

Stepping into the mansion, I was in awe. The Caddel estate was a sight to behold. The Uber I took led me into the estate. I had to show the security my invite then they confirmed from the mansion before I was allowed inside.

The estate was surrounded by greenery that stretched on for what seemed like miles. Vibrant flowers bloomed everywhere in perfectly structured mansions. Tall trees stood as well. When I entered through the towering iron gates of the Caddel mansion, my breath was caught in my throat, and my eyes widened in awe.

The mansion itself was a masterpiece. It stood tall. The walls were made of smooth, cream-colored stones. It was about three or four floors from what I could see.

Stone pathways led their way through the gardens. Benches and sitting areas were strategically placed outside too.
Currently, I sat amongst the other applicants. We were all seated in a corridor.

The atmosphere was filled with tension. Everyone wanted this position and it was only one opening which means out of all of us, only one person could get it.

As I glanced around, I couldn't help but notice the anxiety on everyone's face. They wanted this as much as I did.

Seeing them made me realize what a big deal this actually is.

A few moments later, a tall woman dressed in a pink suit approached us.

"Hello ladies" she said with a smile "I'm Miss Nicole. I'm the house manager. Please, follow me"

At the same time, we all rose from our seats and followed her.

She took us down a long hallway. Our footsteps echoed against the marble floors.

I looked around as I moved. I couldn't help it.

If you told me I would be in a house this fancy, I would never believe it, talk more of Caddel family mansion.

The hallway was decorated with exquisite artwork. I was a lover of art so I was intrigued. Each piece was carefully positioned, giving it a gallery like atmosphere.

Marble structures stood on pedestals.
Soft light emanated from crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, The polished marble floor beneath my feet gleamed.

It felt as if I was walking on a work of art.

Some of the other ladies chatted amongst themselves. Nobody paid attention to the place like I did.
It was obvious that they were used to these kinds of things. They weren't like me.

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