Chapter 1

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Matheo :"Move" 

Y/n : No.You move.  (y/n says in a rude tone)

Matheo : "I was here first"

Y/n : To bad. Go cry about it.

Matheo : "Hey, why don't you go be annoying to someone else?"

Y/n : Nah I'm good, but you can go leave.

Matheo : but it's my spot bitch (he says getting annoyed)

Y/n : Awww this is your spot? What are you 10.

Matheo : "Yes it is." *I glare at you* "if you don't leave I'll just make you"

Y/n : You won't make me do anything.
Matheo: *I roll my eyes* "you're really getting on my nerves, you know that?"

Y/n : Hmm well like I said you can just leave.  ( pulls out her vape and sits down)

Matheo : *I cross my arms and sit down as well* "you are like a stubborn child, aren't you?"

Y/n : Same with you.  ( she saying while using her vape, she gestures it to him "wanna hit?"

Matheo : "No, I don't want to 'hit' your stupid little vape." *I sneer*

Y/n : Let me guess, your more of a nasty cigerate guy.

Matheo : yea "but at least cigarettes make you look manly." *shrugs*

Y/n : Wow that's dumb. (she says while rolling he eyes)

Matheo : "Says the one vaping. Do you know how stupid you look?" *I glare down at you*

Y/n : It helps with stress, it may look stupid but I got 20 other different ones charging.

Matheo: "That doesn't make it any better! The only reason you probably have so many is because you've been hitting them nonstop." *raises an eyebrow*

Y/n : yup that's true.

Matheo : "That's so stupid! Vaping is just as bad as cigarettes, if anything they're worse." *rolls my eyes*

Y/n : I know, hopefully it kills me soon. (she says with a scough)

Matheo : "It will, sooner rather than later if you keep doing it." *I sneer*

Matheo : "I hope you know how stupid you look doing it."

Y/n : At least it gets rid of stress for a little while, you probably just kill people when your stressed or SM.

Matheo : "I do nothing of the sorts! Also I'm a soldier, I've been through worse stress than you, so please shut up."

Y/n : Can't say stuff like that when you don't even know me. (she says while her eyes look tired and sad but she has a smile on her face) its not fair.

Matheo: *I roll my eyes* "yeah whatever, can you just go? I have stuff to do."

Y/n : Meh I was bored talking to you anyways, bye loser.

Matheo : "Bye, idiot." *I sneer at you*

(While y/n is walking away from matheo, Draco comes over to her) Draco: Farrah we got a issue.. (Farrah looks at him disappointed and shakes her head and follows him)

Matheo : *I notice you follow Draco and mutter* "pathetic."

Y/n x matheo riddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora