Chapter 3

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Y/n : Fine.

(Starts to get in her car)

Matheo : "I'll be following you, and your time starts now."

Y/n : Alr well hop in dumbass.

Matheo : "I'll be following you, and your time starts now."

Y/n : oh so now I have a time?! Great.

( gets on the phone and starts speaking Russian and then hangs up)

Matheo : "And who were you talking to?" *I fold my arms*

Y/n : A friend. I asked where the next shooting from our enemies the solomens will be and where.

Matheo : "Your just going to walk into a shooting? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, your gonna get yourself killed."

( y/n Lifts her shirt to show a shooting protection vest)

Matheo : *I look at the vest for a moment, before looking back up at you in disbelief* "where did you get that?"

Y/n : I have a few in the trunk, she says while opening up her car department and pulls out a gun.

( there are at least 30 guns in their)

Matheo : *I just stare at you in shock* "Jesus! Is that what you people need to protect yourselves? You must have a lot of enemies if you need that many guns just to feel safe."

Y/n : I've got 10 others hiding in the car...

Matheo : *i look at you stunned* "why do you even have so many? You could kill someone with all that! Don't you know how dangerous that is to possess?"

Y/n : ofc I know how dangerous it is. But it's even more dangerous without them!

Matheo : *I scowl* "and you could go to jail for this".

Y/n : And so could you because your with me
(she says smirking)

Matheo : "Why the hell would that matter? Your a criminal with more guns than people should legally own, I'm just a guy standing next to you as you carry out your ridiculous plan." *I roll my eyes*

Y/n : finally were here.

(It looks like a little poor town with old dirty building) (but they are parked in a distance and it's far enough away where we can tell what the town look like)

Matheo : *I look at you in disbelief* "you seriously went through all this effort just to prove to me that you care about people? Seriously? This is stupid, you could have just said that you cared and I would have left it be, but you needed to prove yourself and now your gonna get shot!"

Y/n : You told me I wouldn't. And when I said I cared you said prove it remember drama queen?

Matheo : "And I regret it now, I can believe how far this stupid plan has taken us, we probably already have bullets fired at us right now. It's a freaking ambush you idiot!"

Y/n : Here (hand him the keys) go back, I'll be back in a few hours

Matheo : "What, are you seriously expect me to let you walk into a shooting alone? Your out of your mind! You don't have enough sense to keep yourself safe, I'm coming with you."

Y/n : No your not coming with me. Like I said this is my job.

Matheo : "I do not care about your job! What about your life? Your walking into danger with the belief that you'll survive? That's ridiculous!"

(She handcuffs his hand to the wheel in the car) now rather stay here and get shot or drive away. ( she says while walking away)

Matheo : *I struggle a bit before realizing I can't get out* "hey! Get back here! You can't just leave me here! I won't let you do this alone!"

Y/n : I'll be ok... Just trust me I'll be back.
(and after that she disappeard)

Matheo :  
(the moment you disappear I start yelling for you and screaming at you to come back. I try to break my hand free before finally realizing your not coming back and start to frantically look around for you)

Matheo :   
(10 minutes go by and I hear gun fires and screams and bombs)

(my eyes widen and I look around frantically, trying to figure out where the shots are coming from. I continue to yell for you, waiting for you to return)

(3 hours go by* and you hear people yelling "retreat! The daughter of mikalson killed the boss! Tell the son EMEIDIETLY"...)

(I start panicking realizing what's happened, I knew you'd get in trouble as soon as you walked in there alone. I slam my fist on the horn repeatedly and wait for an answer, still not being able to free myself)

(1 hour later* you see someone walking towards the gun with a sad expression on her face and a few cuts.  And realize it's y/n)....

Y/n x matheo riddleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora