Chapter two.

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*4 hours later* (you walking down the hall outside with cuts and bruises) (you go to the pond with your head phones and lay down alone not being able to hear anything else other than your music) (I finish what I'm doing and walks back into the building hoping no one notices I'm there or that I look like I was attacked)

Matheo : *I look over to you and stand up suddenly, my eyes widening as I look at you* "what happened to you?!" *my voice is shaky*

Y/n : Ha ha very funny. (she says while grabbing her vape and walking away)

Matheo : "I wasn't joking, you look terrible." *I follow you*

Y/n : It was just a little accident

Matheo : "Accident?" *I grab your shoulder*

Y/n : Yes accident, now I'm tired and I want to sleep. Or am I not allowed to do that Mr?!

Matheo : "You're obviously not all right, now tell me what happened or I'm not leaving you alone."

Y/n : I just had to do my job, ok??! Now ima lay down...

Matheo : "And your 'job' leaves you covered in bruises? That's awful! What type of job is that? You need to quit."

(She starts not being able to walk in a straight line)...

Matheo : *I notice you not walking straight* "hey, hey! You can't even walk correctly! Wait, do you need me to carry you? Your injuries are worse than I thought!"

Y/n : I just got shot in the leg but it's ok- .(she says while falling)

Matheo : *my mouth drops open* "you got shot!? I will not let you go and sleep off these injuries! You need to get to the nurse immediately!" *I quickly grab your arm and lift you up*

Y/n : No! Not the nurse, I've got a aid kit in my room, just take me there.

Matheo : "Are you sure? You can't even walk on your leg and you want me to just take you to your room? I don't think that's such a good idea..."

Y/n : I'm shot and you still find a way to insult me. ( she says while laughing but then quickly stopping because it hurts to laugh)

Matheo : "I'm not insulting you, I'm just worried for you! How can you be this stupid not to go to the nurse?! You've been through so much, how can you be so careless!?! Are you like a masochist or something!" *I look at you with a concerned expression*

Y/n : Yes yea wtv,... Can you get my vape out my pocket for me?

Matheo : "Wait, your vape is in your pocket? Don't you feel pain putting pressure on your leg? God, that's insane, anyway, I'll get it for you." *I roll my eyes and take the vape out of your pocket*

Y/n : Thanks. ( vapes*) ( coughs) damn how slow could you possibly be.

Matheo : "Oh my god, is that how you treat someone who is doing you a favor? You're an idiot." *I shove the vape back at you and roll my eyes*

Y/n : *we get to the nurse and and they fix me all up*

Matheo : *as they fix you up I lean against a wall and watch you, not saying anything*

Y/n : *As the nurse is checking Farrah to make sure nothing else is wrong she lifts up her shirt and sees a white snake tattoo. After that she understands and quickly excuses us to leave*

Matheo : *I notice the tattoo and furrow my eyebrows* "what is that? Is it a gang thing?" *I ask you quietly*

Y/n : Nun your business

Matheo : I'm not ganna ask again.

Y/n : like I said before its nun of your business.

Matheo : "Well seeing as I saved your life, it kinda is my business now. So answer my questions, are you in a gang?!"

Y/n x matheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now