Part 4.

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Matheo : *I look at you in surprise then scowl* "god damn it! Are you ok? I told you not to go in there alone!"

Y/n : I'm good, I didn't get shot, stabbed, tortured, bombed or anything else bad like that. Let's just go ( she simply breaks the handcuff with her hands like it's nothing) I'm driving..

Matheo : *my mouth dropped open when you broke the cuff like it was nothing* "how the hell did you.....never mind, get in the car, let's go!" *I say, slightly scared.*

Y/n : ( we are almost to the school) hey matheo..?

Matheo : "Yeah? What is it?"

Y/n : Why didn't you drive away? I was gone for 4 hours and you stayed?

Matheo : "Because I was worried about you, you were gone for four hours and I was waiting out there, then I heard someone say something about the daughter of Mikaelsons killing the boss, you could have been shot or kidnapped but you decided to do this stupid plan alone! Do you have any idea how insane you sound right now?!"

Y/n : ...
(she looks away with a sad concerned look on her face)

Matheo : *I look back at you* "why the hell are you looking at me like that? What's wrong now?!"

Y/n : I killed someone's father. That son will hate me for the rest of his life. Just like how I was when it happened to my mother. He's ganna be told by some servants that his father is dead and I murdered him.... That's the worst part of the job.

Matheo : *I narrow my eyes at you* "and who's fault do you think that is? If you hadn't walked in there by yourself none of this would have happened! It's your fault that son's father is dead, and you act like that's just something you can brush off? Do you have no sympathy for people or are you just completely detached?"

Y/n : If I didn't kill him he would have killed all those kids watching in the beaten houses... Still the people on my side died. If I hadn't killed him more people would have died.

Matheo : "You're completely delusional, you kill someone's father then use the fact that more people could've died as an excuse? You sound completely insane right now! You just killed someone's father and I doubt you really care, in fact let me guess, you don't really care don't you!? All of this and you think it just makes you some kind of hero!"

Y/n : ok..

(she tries to hide her face with her hair because of the tears in her eyes)

Matheo : *I can't help myself, I lean closer to look you in the face and your tears* "oh don't even think your just gonna hide behind your hair, look at me. Now tell me what's wrong? Don't just say ok!"

Y/n : I do care about them. I don't want to be a monster like others...

Matheo : *I sigh before speaking gently* "and you don't think doing what your doing is making you a monster?! How many people have you killed? How many families have you ruined? You don't want to be a monster yet you're going down that path regardless. Are you blind?"

Y/n : (She stops the car)

Matheo : *I look at you, looking a bit puzzled, I've never seen you get so emotional before* "why are we stopping the car?"

Y/n : Your father is a murderer too... Remember?...

Matheo : "It's different, I know he has killed people but he wouldn't kill anyone just for his own interest! He kills when he has to, not because he wants to! What you did was straight up evil."

Y/n : And you will be just like him..

Matheo : "I can promise that I would **never** be just like him, you don't know what you're talking about." your just a monster who kills for fun"

Y/n : ... I was 8 years old when It all came to me...If I don't do what I'm told they will cut off the tattoo on my stomach. They won't patch me up after. They will throw me in the lake and hate me. My father did it to my older brother who was suppose to take over. All because he wouldn't kill the the innocent. My father made me watch as they cut off his tattoo and dumped him in the river as a warning that he is not afraid to do the same to me. (She said with a single tear down her face)

Matheo : *I can't help but be shocked at the horrific story, not even wanting to believe that a father would do something like that to his children. My emotions slowly shift from anger to sympathy, and then guilt.* "I'm sorry, I didn't know.....I'm so sorry."

Y/n : ... Let's just hurry up and get to the school before it gets to late.. ( turns on the car and starts driving again)

Matheo : (I just sit and let you drive, I can't bring myself to say anything, all I can think of is how ignorant I've been to how hard your life has been. And how I've been trying to force my way of life on you without having any knowledge of it....)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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