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"Joong the ham!" Seonghwa yells to he boy whom is currently preoccupied. "Shit, sorry-" the doorbell goes off, only making them more stressed. "I'll get it!" Hongjoong calls out, making Seonghwa groan. "If the fucking ham burns I will kill you!" He yells at him.

Hongjoong opens the door, revealing their six friends. "Hey Joong!" Hongjoong smiles, hugging him. The timer for the ham was still going off. "Hongjoong get the ham out of the oven!" Wooyoung giggles. "Sounds like you're gonna be in trouble." Hongjoong rolls his eyes, hurrying to the kitchen.

He pulls the ham out carefully and sets the pan on the counter. "Thank you love." Seonghwa says, kneading into the dough. Yunho joins him in front of the counter. "Do you need help Hwa?" Seonghwa nods his head. "Can you please get the eggs out?" Yunho nods his head, doing as he was told.

The other five boys join to help sooner or later, filing into the kitchen one by one. Hongjoong dips his finger into the icing and presses it to Seonghwa's nose. Seonghwa giggles, doing the same. He pulls him in by his waist, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

They ignore the teasing from their friends, going back to baking. Once they finish, they set everything out and sit in front of the tree. They distributed each present equally. "I'll be back."

Hongjoong excuses himself from the room. Seonghwa doesn't think much of it and he rips open his gift from Wooyoung. All of the gifts were great but he can't help but think about Hongjoong not getting him a gift.

He bought Hongjoong the only art book he has ever wanted. It had sketches and tutorials. Hongjoong enters the room, sitting down next to Seonghwa. When he opens his present from Seonghwa, tears build up in his eyes. "Thank you baby." He pulls him in for a hug.

Seonghwa thought it was all okay. As long as Joong is happy, it'll be fine right? Hongjoong's attention gets turned to the outside and he gasps. "It's snowing!" He grabs Seonghwa's hand, dragging him to the front yard. He almost forgot about the small gift he had hiding in his pocket.

"I got you something love." Seonghwa looks at him with expectant eyes. Hongjoong would swear he could see stars in them. He pulls the small gift box out and opens it. Seonghwa gasps, tears glistening in his eyes. "Joong" he says with disbelief.

Hongjoong smiles, placing the necklace around hi neck. "Remember what I told you?"

Hongjoong fiddles nervously with his hands. "Joong!" Seonghwa jogs up to him, trapping him in a hug. "H-hey baby." Seonghwa's smile turns into a tight frown. "What's wrong?" Hongjoong shakes his head, gesturing for the boy to sit down on the bench. Seonghwa sits next to him.

"What's this about?" Hongjoong chews his bottom lip. Seonghwa sighs, pulling his lip away with his thumb. "Well um, you remember when you gave me the Snow globe with the two people on the bench?" Seonghwa nods his head slowly. "Well um- god this is gonna sound so stupid." Seonghwa tilts his head. "Nothing you say is stupid, my love."

He interlocks his hand with Hongjoongs, calming him down. "I wanted to recreate the two people on the bench. But, I also wanted to make it memorable so I got you this." Hongjoong pulls the small gift box out of his pocket and opens it, revealing a necklace. "It's my Grandma's old necklace. She told me to give it to the person I truly love. I love you, Seonghwa." Seonghwa bites back tears. "I love you, joongie."

Seonghwa giggles through his tears. "Just makes me remember why I fell for you in the first place." Seonghwa wipes at his tears. "You know Hwa, You're my first boyfriend, first fiance, first kiss- you're my first everything. I love waking up beside you every day and cooking meals for you when you get sick. I love holding you when you're too clingy or following your impulsive actions. It's what I love about you. Actually, I love everything about you. When we first got engaged, I couldnt believe it. For a while, I was worried I would regret it but seeing you now makes me fall all over again.

I'll love and cherish you forever. In my past life, next life, and current life. I will never leave you my love." Hongjoong clasps the Neckalce around the sobbing boy. "J-joongie, I love it. Thank you baby."

"I got you something else. Come with me." Hongjoong leads Seonghwa into he house and tot their bedroom. When the door opens, seonghwa sees an easel with a white tarp over it. "Go ahead. Pull it off." Seonghwa pulls the tarp off and smiles brightly at his fiance's work.

The painting was littered with snowflakes and there was a big Christmas tree in the middle. You could see little people but the most visible were the ones sitting in the corner on a bench. "Do you like it?" Seonghwa's mouth gapes open. "Of course, I love it. It's so beautiful Joong."

Seonghwa hugs him, tears threatening to fall. Hongjoong grabs his hand and leads them back outside to the snow. They play around for a little while until hey end up back in each others arms.

Hongjoong wraps an arm around his waist, pulling him closer.

"I love you so much Seongwha."

"I love you too Joongie."

Hongjoong smiles then connects their lips. The first snow falls over them as they kiss, marking a happy ever after.


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed First Snow. This one shot is my first one shot and my first Christmas story! Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas! 🎄❄

《First Snow❄》S.J CHRISTMAS SPECIAL !!Where stories live. Discover now