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Seonghwa rubs at his eyes tiredly. He stands up from the couch, heading to the kitchen. Hongjoong was currently at the art studio due to a last minute order. Seonghwa sighs, opening the fridge. He was planning on preparing lunch for his fiance but all they have is christmas groceries.

Seonghwa closes the fridge and leaves to his room. He rummages through his closet to find something warm. He pulls out white gloves, ear muffs and a fluffy white sweater. He slips on some baggy jeans and his tan uggs.

Seonghwa grabs his keys,leaving the house swiftly. After making sure the door is locked, he gets into his car and drives to the nearest restaurant. He leaves his car, walking up to the resturaunt doors. The door jingles as he walks up to the counter. "Good afternoon, what would you like to order?"

Seonghwa hums looking at the menu. "A soft drink and the chicken alfredo. Two of those please." The cashier nods her head, inputting the order. "Is that all?" Seonghwa nods his head. "Would you like that here or to go?" "To go please." Seonghwa hands her his card and she slides it then gives it back. Seonghwa sits at one of the nearby tables until his order is called.

He grabs the bag of food from her. "Thank you for ordering! Merry Christmas!" Seonghwa smiles warmly at her, looking at her nametag. "Merry Christmas to you to Ningning." He leaves the resturaunt with a smile on his face.

He places the bag of food in the passenger seat and gets in the driver seat. He drives to Hongjoong' studio, which is only a block or two away. He parks the white car and heads inside with the food. Fresh paint enters his nostrils as he walks to the elevator. He always loved the smell of fresh paint.

He presses floor two and the elevator doors close. He pulls his ear muffs off, lacing them on top of the food. Once they re-open, he walks towards Hongjoong's studio. When he reache to turn the doorknob, he finds it locked. He frowns. Why does he have his door locked?

Of course, Seonghwa being the overthinker he is, immediately assumed Hongjoong is doing something other than art behind the door. He knocks softly and rummaging can be heard on the other side of the door.

The door swings open a second later, revealing hongjoong. "Hwa!" He grabs the bag of food from him and places a soft kiss on his cheek. Seonghwa closes the door behind him as Hongjoong sets the food on his desk. Seonghwa's eyes travel the room.

If no one else is here then why ?

He looks at the painting in the middle of the room. A long white piece of tarp draped over it. "Can I see the painting?" Hongjoong' eyes grow wide. "I-it's not done yet love." Seonghwa frowns. Does he not trust me?

Hongjoong sighs, cupping his fiance's face. "I know what you're thinking and that's not it at all. The painting just isn't ready to be shown yet okay? You know I trust you and love you so much Hwa."

Seonghwa hugs him. "Thank you for being so understanding joong. I love you too." They stay like that for a little while until Hongjoong pulls away. "Let's eat, ah?" Seonghwa nods his head and the two dig into their food. Once they are done, they both leave the studio. Hongjoong opens the door for Seonghwa then goes to his seat.

He starts driving, placing his free hand on Seonghwa's thigh. "Do you think the boys are gonna want to spend Christmas at ours again?" Hongjoong chuckles. "Who wouldnt? We have the best house out of the eight of us. San and Woo live in an apartment, Jongho and Sangie live in dorms, Yunho and mingi live in a cottage, we live in a modern two story home that costs twenty thousand a month. I would choose our home too."

Seonghwa giggles. "You're right." Hongjoong pulls into the driveway and parks the car. They both walk into their home, Seonghwa sitting on the couch and Hongjoong leaving to shower. Seonghwa lights his gingerbread candle and returns to his spot on the couch.

He scrolls through Netflix and ends up putting on a christmas movie. Just a few minutes later, Hongjoong walks into the living room with a towel covering his wet hair. Seonghwa he ruffles his hair with the towel, causing it to stick up in different directions. Seonghwa giggles, covering his mouth with his hand.

Hongjoong attacks him with tickles and peppers kisses all ove this face. "I can't breathe Joong, s-stop" he giggles out flailing his long limbs. Hongjoong admires the boy, smiling brightly. He presses one last kiss to his lips and sits next to him. Seonghwa cuddles into Hongjoong's side, smiling contently.

"You'll stay with me forever, right?"

Hongjoong pushes a strand of hair behind Seonghwa's ear. He press a soft kiss to his earlobe.

"Of course love. I would never leave you. Ever."

《First Snow❄》S.J CHRISTMAS SPECIAL !!Where stories live. Discover now