Chapter 2:Introduction and Meeting Carrie

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Previously on Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to help

Rita raise her eyebrow, they have been notified of a new student that would transfered from Washington "Are you perhaps?" She said gesturing his last name

"No Ma'am i'am not those THE Bellezas" Said Ronan now that he is speaking to his teacher

Rita accepted that lie considering there are many bellezas after all so she won't be surprise for that

"And your tall... Genes and sports?" Said Rita as she could see that he was not only tall but also built like a wall which indicate he knows sports as she knows when she see one as well as well genes except not everyone has that good of a genes though

"Yes, Ma'am and both" Ronan answered with a smirk, as he examined Rita he notice that she has well good body with toned legs and flat stomach which likely she takes good exercise to maintain level of body

"Quite a hottie too... i'll tell Cousin Gabe about this" Though of Ronan with a hidden smirk as Rita and his Marine Cousin was at the same age, he could tell that Rita must be a good person still it won't enough for his opinion

"Class would be starting Tomorrow in 8:00 hope you won't get late Ronan" Said Rita

"Yes, Ms Desjardin i'll make sure of it" Said Ronan

"And besides you can join me with my Minivan, that way we could arrive together and talk with the Principal" Said Rita

"Of course ms" Said Ronan "Nice to meet you" he said as he entered to his apartment and begun to unpack there



Monday September 18 2013 

5:30 A.M.

Ronan woke up from his sleep and do his usual morning routine via exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats, and a light jugging at the same time listening to his favurite songs from sabaton art of war

He is waiting for some equipment to use for more advance right now he would have do to what he got, he is always exercise early in the morning to keep him in shape and practice his martial arts that he learn from other Special forces and other military branches since he made his intention clear to join the marines 

after that he eats breakfast, he have to train without food as he have to tolerate after all he had a survival training because of their Summer camp with their family which his mother was livid upon knowing it's purpose

7:00 A.M

Ronan bathe and put on his cloths which is Dark Blue T-shirt, with denim  and blue jeans, he then put his back pack on his back Once he was sure that everything was in order, he left his apartment, heading down in the elevator to the main reception area, where there was only a single female receptionist on duty behind the desk, and out the main entrance doors he would call for a taxi until he saw Rita was also going down

"Good morning, Ronan. Did you sleep well?" Rita asked in cheerful tone.

"Yes, Ma'am" Said Ronan as he smile  "Oh i forgot Good morning, Ms. Desjardin"

Rita chuckled at that "Are you perhaps awake longer?" She said as she notice that he is active

"Yes... i usually wake early in the morning in 5 o'clock to 6 sometimes to 6:30 for some light exercise depending on my sched of course" said Ronan

"No wonder why you can maintain such body Mr, Belleza" Said Rita "Considering that we are in the same time, how about hop on with me?" she said "I have a car don't need to call taxi you know"

Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to helpWhere stories live. Discover now