Chapter 7:Apology

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Previously on Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to help

Carrie pulled away from him and look up at his Azure blue eyes with her own jade teared eyes "Thank you... no one has ever brave enough to stand up against them" Said Carrie

"And you won't be alone to fight Carrie" Said Ronan with a chuckle as he wipe away her tears "I put a seed that would grow ever larger and when it grows the students will fight back against them once their power wanes"

"And i promise Carrie... you will no longer be alone i'm here to protect you and be your confidant in the coming months to come" Said Ronan with a smile "Besides aren't we have a little date?"

Carrie let out a small giggle at that "Yes" Said Carrie

"Then bring me to your favurite place to eat and it's on me" Said Ronan as he mount on his bike

Carrie was hesitant at moment but with Ronan's encouraging eyes, she concedes and mount at the back and Ronan guided her arm to wrap around Ronan that which made her blush at his gesture and she could feel her heart skip a bit as he turn it on and move



Week later

Friday afternoon

A week has been pass since Ronan first confrontation of the leader of the Ultras, after he humilate Chris and threatens them though he din't mention about knowing their information as he would save it for later

Because of his action last week, Ronan made an impression that made an impact as students in Ewan High have begun to fight back though it maybe small but the seed has been planted and continue to grow as slowly more students gathered their courage to fight back against their bullies something that the Ultras getting nervous of as they found themselves losing their power in the school and wanting to stop it to a mix result but still they find it worrying as the students does no longer find them to be afraid of and they could see as more fight against them then the more would join with their classmates to fight back against the bullies if the teacher does not stop it then they will do so themselves

not only that because of the Video that the students record that which his family seen, his younger brother showed it to his friends and Ronan's friend in his previous school they are not surprise for that and cheer for it as they know Ronan would not let some helpless student to be bullied

When the video hit the Shadow Company operatives cheered for their CEO and Commander's son and many of them already know the Ultras thanks to Graves telling them about the Bullies from Ewan High

And for the past days Ronan was praised and congratulate by the students for his willingness to stand up against the Ultras especially when he is protecting Carrie White the lowest in the ladder that which gave them courage to stand up against the Ultras

He accept it and encourage them to stand up against their bullies and their fellow classmates in need

He and Tommy have a talk as Tommy talk to him about Sue wanting to talk to Carrie, Tommy quickly talk that Sue wanted to speak with Carrie to apology for the wrong she had done along with Heather shyres, Ronan agreed to him to have a talk but warn him about his girlgriend if she cross the line that which Tommy understood and another thing is if Carrie is going agree for a talk that which Tommy replied that Sue would understand if Carrie refuse to talk

and So Ronan was with Carrie having talk to her about Sue wanting a peace between the two girls Carrie was hesitant but reluctant to agree since she wanted to know if Sue and Heather is genuine for their apology and be the judge of it

Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to helpWhere stories live. Discover now