Chapter 4:Earning Trust

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Previously on Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to help

"Hey Ronan is everything okay? you seem to be bit concerned" said Rita

"Have you notice 3 jock being beaten?" Said Ronan

"So i've heard" Said Rita after hearing that made her quite surprise that Ronan was violent person when he wants to be and that's only the 1st in class which Mr Morton was not wrong about his prediction but she never though it would be the same day "Thanks protecting Carrie, she badly needed it" She said

"So you know Carrie White?" Said Ronan which Rita nod in confirmation "Then can you tell me more about her? i wish to know her more" he said

Rita was thoughtful for a moment knowing that Ronan was untouchable and powerful boy being the richest in the school in secret he could easily afford protection for Carrie and by the looks of it he is genioune wanted to know her as a person

with it Rita made her answer "Alright i'll tell you about her" Said Rita



After Ronan told her about just the recent event in the school to saving Carrie from bullying and then Rita telling him about Carrie's hard life

"T----- that's i--- i can't explain how horrible she lives" Said Ronan, it was worse than he though, he has friends with outcast and other abuse students before but never on this scale as he gritted his teeth "Can you tell me more?"

"It's worse than you think Ronan, from what i know is even before high school.... it's been long as since they are in 1st Grade" Said Rita as she was angry that in those years no one has ever try to help Carrie even the rare ones have little to no impact and the bullying still goes on and on

To learn that nearly every students bullied Carrie in the school for no reason at all other than making her life hell since 1st grade

Rita even mention that Carrie was the sweetest girl she know that could'n even hurt a fly, her grades are good and better to some students but what she is excelled at is, Math and English

Even though she was bullied by their English Teacher Mr.Ullmann something Ronan witness it during the class, still surprise that she would have a good grades from the bullying Teacher, like to maintain reputation and discreet as possible without being sued

Rita then told him when what she knew at the time of her 1st day in school last year, Carrie's main bullies are group of popular girls known in Ewen High as the "Mortiner Snerds" Led by Chris Hargensen s spoiled rotten rich girl and the Ewen notorioes Queen bee, something that Ronan hated in his life, Chris for some for whatever no reason at all made her MISSION to make Carrie's life a living hell and other outcast but Carrie was always been the victim Day in and day out

Ronan hated that kind of group who bully the outcast, Ronan made both enemies and earn friendship in his previous school as he could turn enemies into humble and better person as friends, hell he remembered how made spoiled brats into good person and if possible to be useful to the society after they graduate in college

To think that Carrie was bullied for this long was shocking and no one has ever try to help her, even other outcast could'n even try to reach out for her

Also after learning about Chris all crimes made his blood boil like who the fck let the girl still stay in the school? she has many detention and suspention

"You know what in my school i don't think she would be kick out by now due to her frequnt detention and suspention, not even children of Federal government are safe, not even i would be safe" Said Ronan astonish that a school like allow such a bitch was beyond him, back in his School teachers have to be even bolder since they have to deal with students with powerful family background and they are not afraid to stand their ground against their parents

Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to helpWhere stories live. Discover now