Chapter 5: A Call

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Previously on Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to help

"Beginning of what?" Said Carrie

"Beginning for more fight, because in my school, fight is not only fought in the open but also in the shadow, your Bully like Chris and the Ultras? their more amatour compared to the enemies i face" Said Ronan "Someone wanted to keep me down but i always push back against them and protecting my friends"

"And you din't ever feel weaver and fear?" Said Carrie

"There is fear but i overcome it because of how long that i have fight them" Said Ronan

"Then, do you think a girl like me can overcome such fear and obstacle?" Said Carrie in a meek tone

"Anyone can Carrie, even you can... with a right push and motivation" Said Ronan in a smile

With those Words Carrie felt herself motivated like before in their P.E. class she was little bit more confident and put her effort

"Thank a lot Ronan, that means to me" Said Carrie, grateful for her first friend of giving her an encouragement

"Always Carrie" Said Ronan as the two enjoy their meal


Unknown to them a certain Bitch was watching

A girl look at Carrie with anger seeing her happy made her blood boil before looking at the unknown boy "i have to ask Tina about this about this unknown boy dining and talking with creepy carrie" Though of the Bitch as evil though filled her mind thinking ways of how to break their bond



After their small tour or date by as Carrie called it Ronan called Rita to pick them up

As Rita was driving towards their apartment

"So how's your little trip? nothing some uneventful i hope" Said Rita with a knownig smile which made Carrie blush a little from her comment pleased to know that her favurite student know some quality time

"Just a conversation and some memories of how i beat someone's ass" Said Ronan with a chuckle as Rita chuckled at that "And make her a bit little warm to me" he said with a smile just Carrie return it when the two meet their eyes

"Carrie i'm happy for you to finally have a friend, Ronan's family is quite well where shall i put it? remarkable" Said Rita

"How so?" Said Carrie as she titled her head

"You'll known when the time is right Carrie" Said Ronan as he rub her hair which made her giggled he likes her when she giggles it's quite a cute one "Say Carrie if there is another time, do you wish to go out with me again?" he ask

"I'll be happy to Ronan" Said Carrie with a smile on her face

Rita could only smile while maintaining her eyes on the front of the Car as she could see it that at least Ronan was successful helping Carrie to steadily taking out from her shell as earlier was proven that as she has motivated and have some confidence not much but enough to put a smile on her face 

"Well i promise i'll protect you whenever you are in danger and i promise that even i'am not in school you'll still have protection" Said Ronan softly to her

"How so Ronan?" Said Carrie a little bit nervous

"As you must know i'am friend of Tommy Ross i can convince him to at least guard you whenever i'am not in school and he is popular enough to hold back some bullies and not to mention he has friends that can help him to look after you" Said Ronan

Carrie(2013):A Friend who is ready to helpDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora