Stranger [Part IX]

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First off.. I'm sorry.

I feel like it takes me years to get back into writing after going into one of those phases of writers block where it seems like every play on words you scribble down is nothing more than utter..well.. if there weren't little kids on this site, you all know what word I'd use to describe how horrible I sometimes feel about my writing :P

Oh ! and heads up ! aha, there is some italian dialogue a few paragraphs down.. if any of you are Italian, and speak/write Italian fluently, I apologize. I have a strange feeling google translate doesn't add up to the real thing, because when I fool around with it and translate things in french, google gets it all grammatically incorrect :P

And this part ends sort of oddly, but I just felt like uploading it anyway, because I wanted to hear some feedback again, and because it's been far too long since my last upload... :P

So I apologize for that as well :P

Okay, I'm done now, hope you enjoy whatever I've just posted <3

Please comment, I'd love to hear what you all think ! <3

Thank you :)



    As I felt branches and leaves from the surrounding trees slide across my arms and back, I knew I was shrouded among darkness, and hidden from view. Instead of slowing, I rushed forward at an inhuman pace. I was invisible, no more than a blur of motion in the cool morning breeze. My thoughts swam before me as chaotically and hazily as I ran. How idiotic could I be? Human girl? Had I honestly said that? She must know, must suspect something to be abnormal about me...

"Perhaps not," I murmured to no one in particular. I was shocked when I'd touched her hand and hugged her a few days earlier, and she had hardly reacted, if at all, to my touch. Had she not felt the harsh sting of my skin caused by a blood that bled through my veins so sickeningly thick and cold that it remained perpetually frozen, unable to thaw? I knew that my dead heart and temperature could only repulse her from my touch. I knew that the venom in my system, potent enough to match that of an Original's, could only destroy her with a kiss.

I was a monster, a creature of the night that deserved no right to live amongst such beauty and perfection as herself. I tore living things to unrecognizable shreds with my bare teeth and fangs, simply to live on in sin. I had no humanity, no reason to believe we could ever be together.

And yet... I did. 

Two simple things kept me linked to her in every way.

There was hope, the impossible, beautiful hope that maybe, just maybe she might wish to be with me for a fraction of the desire that I feel to be with her.

Beauty and the Beast, as it were...

And then there were her eyes...Those glittering orbs of green that clung onto me with such innocense and purity that I found it impossible to look away. It was as though heaven was making a mockery of me, for every second we looked at each other, her sweet, golden soul stared into the very depts of my own hollow, teinted and broken core. It was that very reason that always convinced me to look away, a reminder of her perfection in comparison to my distained existance.

She deserved so much more...She deserved a human man that could give her the stars in the sky, and the clouds above the sunset that glow shades of various sweetness. She deserved to be happy and complete, to live and grow old with a man that would love her for every perfection and flaw, though I saw none, long after taking her last breath, and her heart has shuddered to a stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2011 ⏰

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