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*Minho and Jungkook joined the circle of the bsfs. Then they all after the party left to go to their houses.*

Jieun: Jimin let's go home! Mom will be waiting for us!

Jimin: Okay Jieun let's go!

Jimin/Jieun: Byee!

*They left and and only Jungkook was alone. Taehyung told him to drive him in his house but Jungkook told Taehyung about him:*

Jungkook: I will tell you about me.. *sobbing*

So... When I first came [continues until was almost evening]

Now my parents left me because I'm an adult... *crying while talking*

*Taehyung hugged him and told him to come stay in his house! Jungkook said yes and packed his things then Taehyung helped him put his stuff in the car and after some minutes they got to Taehyung's house which was a hella rich house. Jungkook was shocked and happy. *

Taehyung's mom: Well as my son said is your name Jungkook right?

Jungkook: *in a shy tone* Y-yeah

Taehyung's mom: Don't be shy Jungkook! This is your home! You can freely do whatever you want!

Jungkook: Really? Thank you so much Mrs. Kim!

Taehyung's mom: Call me Mom! Not Mrs. Kim!

*Taehyung came down*

Taehyung: How are y'all doing *boxy smile* Jungkook? Are you okay?

Jungkook: Yeah.

Taehyung's mom: So are you both hungry?

Taehyung: Yes I'm a little hungry!

Jungkook: No I'm not *lies*

Taehyung: Jungkook don't lie~ I know you're hungry! You didn't eat all day!

Taehyung's mom: OMG! Jungkook why didn't you eat?!?? Please sit on the chair, I will make you food! What is your favorite food?

Jungkook: Tteokbokki with melted cheese...

Taehyung's mom: Amazing!! My Taetae likes this too!

Taehyung: *winks* That's true! When I was younger my mom always made me this! She makes really good food!

*Taehyung's dad came to welcome Jungkook*

Taehyung's dad: Welcome Jungkook!
Taehyung told me about you and because of this me, my wife and Taehyung made a surprise for you!

Jungkook: *tears up* For real?!??

Taehyung's dad: Yeah!!! Don't cry Jungkook!!

*Taehyung hugged him and telling him to not cry*

Jungkook: *giggles* Okayyy~

*Taehyung's mom served a lot of food and Jungkook shocked because he was poor and never see so much food in his life. *

Taehyung's dad: I have a meeting now I will come back late! Also again nice to meet you Jungkook!

Jungkook: Same Mr Kim!

Taehyung's dad: Ohh Jungkook call me Dad not Mr Kim!

Jungkook: As you said... Dad *blushes*

Taehyung's dad: Alright! Bye everyone!

Taehyung's mom/Taehyung/Jungkook: Byee

*They started eating but Jungkook suddenly felt dizzy and Taehyung got up and they both go to the bathroom and Jungkook throwed up*

Taehyung: Damn... You're sick:(

Jungkook: Ugh my head...

Taehyung's mom: Omg Jungkook are you okay???

Taehyung: Mom he is sick!  Let's go to his bedroom! *carries him in his arms to his bedroom*

Jungkook: I don't feel good..

Taehyung: Mom give me the thermometer!!!

*Hands thermometer to Taehyung and he puts it to Jungkook's armpit. After 2 mins the thermometer shows 39.7C*


*Taehyung's mom came in Jungkook's room and Taehyung showed her the tempature*

Taehyung's mom: I WILL CALL A DOCTOR!!!!
*Calls a doctor*
He is coming!

Taehyung: Thank god *wipes tears*

Jungkook: T-taehyung.. h-hug m-me

Taehyung: *hugs him* I love you Jungkook, I love you so much

Jungkook: M-me t- *faints*


Taehyung's mom: WHAT HAPPENED


*Taehyung's mom told the doctor to come in while tearing up*

Doctor: What happened Mrs Kim?

Mrs. Kim: While we were eating, he started feeling dizzy, so my son took him to the bathroom and starting throwing up and then we put him in the bed while my son sat with him and I came here listening to my son shouting and crying cuz he fainted.

Doctor: He needs to get hospitalized because of this information you gave me.

Taehyung: *sobbing* Is he gonna be okay? *hold Jungkook's hand*

Doctor: What is his tempature?

Taehyung: 39.7C :(

Doctor: Damn.. The ambulance is outside! Pick him up but only one can come with us!

Taehyung: ME! I WANT TO COME!

Doctor: Okay!

*They put Jungkook in the ambulance and Taehyung comes with him*

Taehyung: It's okay baby.. You'll be okay..

*Meanwhile Mrs Kim calls her husband and they both get in the car and follow the ambulance to the popular Seoul hospital. They all are waiting outside and Taehyung wants to tell something to his parents*

Taehyung: Mom.. Dad.. I hope you wouldn't kick me out of the house for this..

Mrs Kim/Mr Kim: No of course not! Tell us!

Taehyung: Mom, Dad... I like Jungkook so much...

Mr Kim: Oh.... That's so...

Mrs Kim: SWEET! Taehyung I'm so proud of sweetie

*Taehyung while sobbing so hard hugs his parents tight*

Doctor: Hello! We would like to inform you that Mr Jeon Jungkook is totally fine! He hasn't eaten for a long time. You can go one by one in his room!

Mr Kim: I wanna go first!

Doctor: Okay!

*Mr Kim enters in Jungkook's room and Jungkook is smiling at him*

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