Past Memories

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"Are you sure he'll be alright?" Toga asked and Shoto shook his head.
"No I'm not sure but it's his decision"
They walked in the direction of the great hall. Shigaraki and Dabi were already seated... waiting.

They both turned around when Shoto and Toga walked in.
"Where's Izuku?" Shigaraki asked seated on a chair. The room was designed like a company's board room for meetings.

"Taking a shower" Toga said and sat down. She took a knife out of her pocket and twirled it in her hand.
"Why are we even having this meeting anyways. The traitor is gone" Toga threw the knife at the dart board in front of her and it hit the bull's-eye.

"We have other things to discuss other than that fleeting matter" Shoto spoke and Toga turned to him.
"Like what?" She asked responded with silence. She pouted as she took out another knife to entertain herself.

"Izuku will explain..." Shoto said after taking a seat propping one leg over the other.
"I heard my name" Izuku walked into the hall and sat majestically on the seat at the head of the table. Toga tucked in her knife and turned serious.

"The matter about the Special force" Shoto said and Izuku smiled.
The special force that every person desired to be in when they were children.

                       ~Izuku's POV~

I wanted to be in the Special force too. My influence was highly altered by the people around me.
Everyone is knew wanted to be in the Special force and I wanted to be among.

To be loved.

"They're on our tail"
"The Special force duh" Dabi answered Toga and she glared at him.
"We're also moving out... it's like the saying 'strike when the iron is hot' we're moving alone" I said earning a few confused looks with the exception of Shoto.

"Why can't we just send the others?"
"Cause they'll get wiped out immediately"
Toga propped her head with her elbow on the table and smiled.
"So they're strong" She said licking her lips.

I senses a stare and turned to Shoto. He was staring at me with a complex look. I smiled a little and turned back to the group.
"We move tomorrow, sources tell me that they're moving in tomorrow evening so we clash there" I heard Shigaraki yawn and turned to him smiling. "I guess my dear brother hasn't gotten his beauty sleep huh?"

"What have you been up to at night Shigaraki?" Toga asked smiling  mischievously. Shigaraki coughed and looked away which I noticed but pushed to the back of my head.

"If no one has anything meaningful to sa-"
"Isn't there something you're not telling us" This came from Dabi with a raised brow.

"Something I'm not telling you...I don't think so..." I said staring at him. After a few seconds he looked away and sighed.

"Am sure Shoto knows" Toga said as the little snitch she was. I was in the hallway eavesdropping on their conversation.
"But he's Izuku's pet" Dabi said tugging at his stiches on his hand.
He has them all over his body, it looked badass sometimes but other times they looked creepy.

"Am sure there's a reason he keeping it a secret" Shigaraki said and I arched a brow.

Like he cares.

"Anyways there might be a big battle soon so save up your energy and go to bed" He said and they left. I walked to the direction of my room.
The secret...the one that I didn't tell them.

Those bastards are there...
"Especially him...Bakugo Katsuki or should I say Kacchan..."

Coldhearted Mafia Boss { My Hero Academia Fanfiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt