chapter 3

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it was another day in hell and Skelita was at I.M.P texting Angel their relationship had really blossomed, Skelita was happy and saw that Angel sent her a picture of him and Fat Nuggets.
Millie: your a lucky girl Skelita.
Skelita: i know but any new assignments i'm starting to get bored.
Loona: just one and i think you might enjoy this one apparently there have been sightings of those human agents, their trying to find us again and i think your the one who can deal with them.
Blitz: you might be right about that Loonie. think you can handle this one Skellie?
Skelita: sure can and i told you not to call me that i just need a little help i think my baby would love to help with this, after all i showed him how to disguise himself.
Loona: good thing i showed you how. the girls both high fived each other and Skelita went to deal with the agents.

*in the human world*

Skelita: (chuckles) oh this is gonna be so good.
Cherri: thanks for inviting me along.
Skelita: no problem now remember once i give the signal we'll jump them. you ready baby?
Angel: ready and i look like i did before i died.
Cherri: same Angie we look good.
Skelita: (playfully rolls eyes) focus you two i will need one of you two to be the victim unless you want my bite Angie, since i am the princess of lust and i can drive you crazy.
Angel: (shivers) ooh you bad girl. let's do this. they all got into postion and Skelita knocked over a trash can to get the dorks attention and gave Angel the cue.
Skelita: your on babe.
Angel oh no a demon someone help me please! Skelita playfully rolled her eyes and pinned Angel to the ground while biting his neck lovingly. but Skelita turned into a human before the dorks could see her as a hound both her and Angel were kissing each other.
Agent 1: now we got you de woah uh are we interuppting something?
Skelita: oh not at all just making out with my boyfriend.
Agent 2: huh you didn't happen to have seen any demons run by here did you?
Angel: not at all.
Skelita: unless you count this now Cherri!
Cherri: what's up you bitches. Skelita and Angel turned into their demon selves along with Cherri which surprised the agents.

Skelita: i am going to enjoy this (evil chuckles) shall we guys?
Cherri: let's.
Angel: ladies first. Skelita smirked and bite them first as they screamed from being murdered and Skelita was covered in a bit of blood which made Angel's eye widen at the sight of his girlfriend covered in blood.
Angel: (seductivley purrs) my my don't you look hot covered in blood.
Cherri: save it for when we're back in hell. Skelita opened the portal and they jumped through it as they all ended up back at the office.

*at the office*

Blitz: well shit we saw all that from the mirror you gave us and damn that was badassed.
Angel: tell me about it and i'm with this gorgeous hound.
Skelita: well i'm gonna head home and shower unless you wanna join me baby?
Angel: now your in trouble! Angel grabbed Skelita by her waist and she screamed from the grab.
Skelita: Angel put me down i do not like this! and your going to get blood on your suit babe.
Angel: don't care you started it.

*at the palace*

Asmodeous: (looks out from office) uh what's going on?
Skelita: Angel won't put me down Dad!
Angel: she decided to be a bad hound seducing me.
Asmodeous: (chuckles) that's my girl but go get cleaned up before your both covered in blood.
Angel: i am dealing with Skelita in her room. Skelita tried to get out of Angel's arms all four of them but nothing was working.
Skelita: Angel Dust put me down! Angel made it to Skelita's room and they both went into the bathroom which made out in the shower which was getting intense for them, once they both got out of the shower Skelita had gotten dressed and found something for Angel to wear since, it was meant for a guy.
Skelita: here babe put this on when you get out of the shower it's a pair of pants and a t - shirt.
Angel: thanks Skelita. Angel walked out and got dressed after he dried off and Skelita fixed up Angel's hair which was back to it's normal style, then she kissed him on the cheek.
Skelita: there you go baby your hair is in it's normal style but listen if you ever see a couple of imps just let me know.
Angel: let me guess the one Moxxie told me about his old man and the cowboy.
Skeltia: that's them Crimson and Striker trust me i would love nothing more than to rip off their heads.
Angel: ooh i love it when you go feral very sexy.

Skelita: easy there Angie let's not go over board besides who knows i might end up pregnant if you keep this and i don't want my parents to kill you.
Angel: not my fault your hot but also gorgeous along with beautiful even fiery which is what i love about you. Skelita chuckled then they kissed each other and walked out of Skelita's room she caught the scent of food cooking knowing it was Asmodeous making her favorite.

*in the kitchen*

Skelita: ooh i smell my favorite is that hell burgers?
Asmodeous: only for my baby girl but would you stay for dinner angel?
Angel: oh sure i don't think Charlie would mind she knows i love spending time with Skelita.
Skelita: we are good friends Angel so trust me i'm sure Charlie would understand but you haven't had one of Dad's hell burgers he's a great cook.
Asmodeous: it's true honey you and your sister would devour your food.
Angel: is that so?
Fizzarolli: okay okay guys no need to embarrass her Zoey's on her way back and picked up some things for dinner, also a big day is coming up.
Asmodeous: oh how can i forget it's Skelita's birthday our little girl is turning twenty she's going to be a full grown woman, i still remember the day you brought them home Fizz.
Fizzarolli: how can i forget.
Angel: how did you find the girls?
Asmodeous: i think it's high time we told this story. but once we're at the hotel Skelita can you invite your boss and co workers there.
Skelita: sure Dad.

*at the hotel*

Vaggie: so how did you find Zoey and Skelita?
Fizzarolli: i was walking around in the pride ring when i remembered Ozzie and i talked about having a family, since well we wanted to adopt i went to the orphanage and looked around. but that was almost sixteen years ago

*sixteen years ago*

Fizzarolli: uh don't you have any younger hounds?
Warden: i have a couple of girls they sadly lost their parents and they didn't want to be adopted by anyone else. Fizzarolli saw two little hounds sitting in their cell scared and shaking they were huddled up next to each other while whimpering, they were on the bed sitting near the wall.
Fizzarolli: awe their so cute what're their names?
Warden: they go by Zoey and Skelita their sisters refused to be seperated. Skelita how ever is the older sister.
Fizzarolli: i hi there girls.
Skelita: (growls) stay away from us we don't want to be away from each other!
Fizzarolli: fiesty you seem like a tough kid look i don't want to seperate you two i want to adopt you both.
Zoey: really?
Fizzarolli: yeah so what do you say wanna be my little girls? the girls both looked at each other then walked up to the bars as Fizzarolli held his hand out to them the girls both took his hand, Fizzarolli talked with the warden and he signed the paper work the girls were let out and hugged Fizzarolli on his waist as he hugged them back.
Fizzarolli: come on i got a ride waiting for us outside we're going home you two will also have another Dad we are going to raise you both.

*at the palace*

Fizzarolli: hey Ozzie come say hi to our new daughters.
Asmodeous: new daughters oh well aren't you two cute welcome to your new home girls i promise nothing is going to hurt you both, Fizz and i will make sure of that. what're your names?
Zoey: i'm Zoey and this is my big sister Skelita.
Asmodeous: well you two are adorable so come let's go have some dinner and i will show you two to your new rooms.

*back to the present*

Asmodeous: and since then we've raised the girls they've became proud young hounds and we couldn't be more proud of them. the girls both hugged them and were lifted up by Asmodeous while Zoey and Skelita were sitting on Asmodeous's shoulders with Fizzarolli.
Alastor: the girls are very lucky to have you both.
Zoey: it's true plus we also grew up with Via.
Octavia: that i remember we were the best of friends.
Stolas: you three were adorable playing together.
Asmodeous: it's true you were. but we have to get things ready for Skelita's party my baby girl isn't so little anymore i feel like an old man.
Skelita: your not old Dad neither is Daddy.

*days later*

it was now the day of Skelita's birthday she was still sleeping then heard an air horn go off Skelita hid under her pillow while growling, then heard the door open then Asmodeous came in with a stack of pancakes.
Asmodeous: happy birthday Skelita time to wake up. Skelita moved the pillow off of her head and smiled at her dads.
Fizzarolli: happy birthday sweetie.
Skelita: thanks guys.

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