chapter 7

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Skelita was with Carmilla and training as she was doing great.
Carmilla: well done youa re your fathers daughter.
Skelita: i know but ever since i heard about Adam i wanted to help Charlie she is my cousin and i will not, loose anymore family just like how i lost my Mom. (ears fall down) she told us about how she helped you Carmilla but i just want to make her proud and protect my duaghter.
Carmilla: just like Persephone she left you something. Carmilla showed Skelita a set of swords that belonged to her they were made with angelic steel and had skulls on the end.
Skelita: Moms swords she always kept these over the fire place. (tears up) i miss her so much.
Carmilla: she was my friend and partner always told me about you and Zoey she was so happy to have her girls, make her proud i know you can do this.
Skelita: i will Carmilla anything for Zoey to use. once evreything was ready Skelita told Asmodeous and Fizzaroli to stay out of the fight.
Asmodeous: i will not stay out of this Skelita they took your Mother away from me i was crushed when i heard she died, but you and Zoey are the only piece i have left of her. i can't loose my girls too.
Skelita: Dad Carmilla trained me well enough i am getting vengance for Mom, i can't loose you and Daddy too. so i'm fighting Adam and making sure his sorry ass will go down.
Asmodeous: (smirks) that's my girl fuck him up big time.

*next day*

everyone was at the hotel and I.M.P was with them even Bee and Vortex.
Skelita: you know you two don't have to fight with us you could be killed.
Bee: your our friend and we will stick by your side.
Loona: she's right and i know we can do this plus might be fun.
Charlie: get ready here they come. everyone began fighting the angels.
Zoey: Bee Loona bive me a boast!
Skelita: Tex you too. the girls both got a boeast and sliced an angel in half.
Angel: damn is it me or is my wife hot when she's slaying angels.
Moxxie: so is mine.
Skelita: you guys might wanna move i'm going to do something I've never done before. Skelita focused her powers then felt her true demon form and grew huge while her hair moved like fire.
Lute: looks like Persephone's brat is going to try and hurt us.
Zoey: make that two of them! bitch your going to fucking die Adam! the girls were helping Charlie and they both bit Adam as they were all fighting.
Adam: fuck you hounds are going to die just like your bitch of a mother. Skeltia and Zoey both growled as they tackled Adam and started ripping him apart, but got smacked away from him.
Zoey: never speak of our Mom like that she was a proud woman she met our Dad and we are his daughters, we maybe half sin but that won't stop us you mother fucking pig!
Skelita: and now your going to see why we worked so hard to get to where we are! with me Zoey let's end him! they both charged at Adam and started attacking him as they all fell off the roof of the hotel as they all rolled on the ground.

Lucifer: watch out girls! Zoey and Skelita moved as Lucifer was fighting Adam.
Adam: your all a bunch of freaks i will gladly end the hounds just like their Mom.
Lucifer: never talk about my sister like that. Zoey Skelita he's yours go for it. Zoey and Skelita both got on all fours and pounced Adam as they attacked him while shredding him, Lute screamed from what she saw.
Lute: no Sir!
Skelita: i suggest you leave and never harm my family again or so help me you'll be fucking dead right next to Adam, the extermination will return to normal and never will you harm my people again.
Lute: your not a ruler of hell only of a ring.
Charlie: leave her alone turn things back to normal be lucky your being spared. Lute was about to attack Charlie as Skelita stabbed Lute with her sword while growling.
Skelita: welcome to my world bitch. (removes sword) now your dead. Lute fell to the ground and everyone cheered for their victory. they all began working on rebuilding the hotel and got some help from Asmodeous along with Fizzaroli.

*mini time skip*

everyone was busy fixing things up.
Angel: hey babe i need some help over here.
Skelita: coming Angie but you better not try to seduce me again cause we are not having another kid right now.
Angel: i'm not but maybe one day we could. but i need help with painting since you tend be an artisit yourself.
Skelita: bull shit i'm not.
Fizzaroli: i heard that you painted me that sugar skull for fathers day when you were eleven, i still have it and it's a gift i love from my girls. Skelita blushed and looked away from Fizzaroli.
Angel: your going to be in for it when we get home and i'm in charge of our little game, in our room i also asked Molly to babysit since she wants to spend time with Roxy.
Fizzaroli: (smirks) well i should go have fun you two.
Asmodeous: Fizz what did you do?
Fizzaroli: Skelita is going to have alone time with Angel wehn they get home.
Asmodeous: you got my little girl in trouble with her husband didn't you?
Fizzaroli: yup. right before Asmodeous could say something everyone heard a scream and saw it was Skelita running from Angel as he was chasing her.
Skelita: Angel get that paint brush away from me!
Angel: you started it!
Vaggie: alright you two cut it out we need to focus on the construction.
Skelita: yeah well i think Angel and i are finished painting so let's get this done.

*days later*

the contruction was done and everyone went to do their own thing.
Angel: hey guys Skelita and i are going to head home.
Charlie: alright bye guys. when Angel and Skelita got home Skelita was on her way to her room and knew she what to do about Angel she was going to mess with him. Skelita pulled out a box and never thought she'd wear the birthday present from Kiki Skelita got changed and knew the outfit would drive Angel crazy, Skelita put her robe on and wondered if he was in the living room.
Skelita: i see someone is having fun with her Daddy. so when's Molly coming?
Angel: she'd said she'd be here in a few minutes. Molly walked in and hugged her sister in law.
Molly: it's always so good to see you Skelita.
Skelita: same Molly i mean we're sisters now but i put Roxy's teddy bear in her bag along with the deer toy from Alastor she really loves that thing, but be warned she is teething and Roxy is eating solids now. also she will try to throw her food most likely her plate.
Molly: i can handle my niece now relax Skelita. also what's with the robe? Skelita whispered in Molly's ear and she got the idea then gave Skelita a thumbs up as she left.
Skelita: hey Angie i hope your ready for some alone time. Angel got the message and followed Skelita as they were in their room.

*in Skelita/Angel's room*

Skelita took off her robe and Angel's eyes bugged a bit.
Angel: ooh damn now your in for it. they both kissed each other a knock was heard and Skelita got up as she put on her robe so no one would see her outfit.
Skelita: yes?
Lila: um sorry to bother you but your Father asked to see you.
Skelita: dammit Dad alright thank you Lila. he had to pick the wrong time I'll be back babe.
Angel: hey it's alright we can still continue when you get back. Skelita went to Asmodeous's office so she could see what he wanted.

*in Asmodeous's office*

Skelita: what did you want Dad?
Asmodeous: sorry to bother you honey but there's going to be a meeting and i was wondering if you'd go to it tomorrow for me cause i'm, going to be crazy busy at the factory tomorrow and i know you can handle yourself.
Skelita: alright but only for you Dad and why couldn't you ask Zoey you know she'd be happy too.
Asmodeous: she's also busy with helping Charlie at the hotel since it got improved.
Skelita: fine but you owe me big time and none of your sex toys Dad Angel and i can have our own fun with out them, which we were trying to have before you called for me.
Asmodeous: oops well go get your husband. Skelita left and went back to her room then got surprised by Angel as she smiled at him and kissed as he kissed her back.

*next day*

Angel: relax your going to be alright.
Skelita: well excuse me Angel Dad always went these types of meetings not me or Zoey, it's just i'm nervous and you know how bad my temper is when i get pissed.
Angel: i know but did you really have to revive Valentino he fucking abused me.
Skelita: says the one who was afraid of not being his favorite toy again i did your skinny ass a favor and basically got the other two vees off of my back, so let's just hope they don't piss me off.

*at the meeting*

all the overlords and other sins had arrived along with Stolas, Lilith and Lucifer. the meeting had begun once everyone had sat down.
Carmilla: thank you all for coming it seems we have a bit of a problem with what had currently happned.
Lilith: i heard about the war at my daughters hotel i'm just glad she's safe along with my niece.

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