chapter 6

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it was months since Skelita and Angel had gotten married then Skelita heard her phone go off to see it was Via, she answered it to see what was up.
Skelita: hey Via what's up?
Via: Skelita it's Dad he's missing i need help finding him!
Skelita: whoa whoa calm down Via i'm sure he's with my Dad but if he isn't then i'm going to find him i promise, so just head to the hotel and wait there i will call you if anything happens. Via agreed and went to the hotel while Skelita went to Asmodeous's office and knocked on the door then she walked in but didn't see Stolas.
Skelita: hey Dad?
Asmodeous: yea sweetie?
Skelita: did Stolas come by your office at all today?
Asmodeous: no why?
Skelita: (growls) why that low down dirty son of a bitch! Striker took Stolas and i have a feeling i know where he's at.
Asmodeous: whoa hold on Skelita are you sure your ready for this?
Skelita: more than anything Dad i was there when Daddy and Blitz were captured but i have to do this for Stolas he's my friend.
Asmodeous: alright be careful it may have been months since you've had Roxy but please come home safely.
Skelita: i promise Dad. Skelita went to get ready and knew this would be tricky but it was for a friend Skelita had finished getting ready and walked out, then used the spell to get to wrath quickly then Skelita quietly snuck over to the edge.

*in Wrath*

Striker: if i know that hound she'll be here i have the perfect bait.
Stolas: why use us?
Fizzaroli: yeah especially Angel?
Striker: cause if i know Skelita she'll come. a shot off past his head and Striker looked to see it was Skelita as she was growling at him.
Skelita: found you ya piece shit. so you captured my Father, Stolas and Angel just so you could kill me your even more desperate then i thought. Skelita jumped down and held out both of her guns then pointed them at Striker.
Striker: come on now woman i saw what you did and i thought we culd team up against other overlords. we could be feared more than others.
Skelita: just shut the fuck up right now Striker there is no way in all of hell i would betray my friends even my family, so let them go or so help your going to be fucking road kill. that is once i tell Lucifer about what Stella has done and you are going to fucking die by my hands you fucking snake! Skelita pounced Striker and they began fighting then bite him when he tried to stab her.
Fizzaroli: yeah that's my girl! Skelita shoed her hand into Striker's chest then her hand came out the other side which shocked the guys.
Striker: well shit guess ... that's it ... damn hound. Striker fell to the ground once Skelita removed her hand then heard clapping as she growled then calmed down once she saw Lucifer.
Skelita: what but your majesty what're you doing here?
Lucifier: oh please call me Lucifer i have to admit Skelita your stronger than you look, and i know your mother would be very proud of you.
Skelita: m my Mother but both her and Dad died when me and Zoey were kids.
Fizzaroli: uh Skelita listen there's something i need to tell you and Zoey once we're away from here. Skelita untied the guys and helped Angel onto his feet.

*at the hotel*

Asmodeous: listen girls i'm your birth father.
Skelita/Zoey: WHAT?!
Lucifer: it's true girls i was there when you two were born your Mother was my sister.
Zoey: but we're hellhounds if Mom was a fallen angle then how are we hounds?
Lilith: she was with Lucifer when we're were banished because Heaven didn't like us being dreamers, and at least i know you girls are alright our nieces.
Skelita: so we truly are the princesses of lust you've got to be fucking shittin me!
Asmodeous: sweetheart please calm down your powers could go out of control.
Skelita: what difference does it make Dad i always thought my parents were both hellhounds but no i'm the daughter of a sin, and never realised i was truly royalty. why did you lie to me for eighteen years you lied to us! Skelita went outside and slid down the door as she was crying then felt a hand on her shoulder to see it was Loona, Skelita cried into her best friends shoulder.
Loona: i'm sure Asmodeous had a reason to hide the truth.
Skelita: but what for Loona all my life i wanted to know who i really was for all my life.
Loona: listen Charlie invited all us girls to stay over for a party and i called Bee, so come on let's get you home and packed up.
Angel: already ahead of you. here you go babe and i'm sure Roxy would love some girl time with her Mommy.
Skelita: yeah and the rest of the girls can meet her in person. Angel gently gave Roxy to Skelita and she kissed her little girl on the forehead. then walked into the hotel.

Charlie: aww look how precious she is!
Octavia: hi cutie.
Bee: oh aren't you adorable.
Vaggie: can i hold her? Skelita gave Roxy to Vaggie and she held her close.
Nifty: she's so cute!
Skelita: thanks girls she gets her white from her Daddy, considering she's looks like a hellhound but has her Daddys arms even his eyes, while Roxy has the same hair as me even has a bit of something from her grandpa.
Zoey: yeah now i can see a bit of Dad in her just on her hands. the girls were all having fun until Roxy was put in a cute little cradle the girls all had fun but Skelita couldn't sleep she got up and quietly left the room, so she didn't wake the rest of the girls and went to the kitchen so she could get some tea.
Skelita: don't even think about it Alastor.
Alastor: i was wondering what you were doing up this late?
Skelita: with everything that happened today i just can't sleep and i thought you hated dogs?
Alastor: not anymore i don't i never did like them growing up as a child. Skelita sat down at teh kitchen island with her tea.
Skelita: you never told any of us what it was like growing up my life wasn't easy since Zoey and i were in the pound since we were little girls, until Daddy found us.
Alastor: i'm sure Asmodeous was happy to see you again.
Skelita: now that you mention it his eyes widened when he saw me and Zoey i should've realised what that meant.

*mini time skip*

Skelita was at work while Angel volunteered to watch Roxy and Cherri was helping out as well, then saw a picture that was sent to her of Cherri, Angel and her baby girl. Skelita smiled at the picture as she sent an emoji that was a heart.
Moxxie: you doing alright after a few days ago?
Skelita: yeah i'm fine Mox just glad i'm with Dad Zoey and i would always wonder who our Dad was but now our family is bigger than before, i'm even reunited with my Aunt and Uncle i never knew i was truly royalty.
Millie: that never mattered to us your still our friend. Skelita smiled and saw a cup of coffee put in front of her as she smiled at Moxxie.
Skelita: i'm gonna go see if we have a new client cause to be honest i am getting bored, and going completely stir crazy.
Blitz: i heard that and well your Uncle told me about a sinner that should be taken care of.
Skelita: i need confirmation from Uncle Lucifer cause me, Zoey and Angel are going to have dinner with them later tonight. and i am not going to be late for this Uncle Lucifer is going to tell me about my Mom.
Blitz: it'll be quick your the faster one the big man wants you too do it. you may have taken care of Striker but we all worry about you. Skelita saw that her friends were holding her things. after dealing with the mission she was getting ready and was wearing a dress that went over her feet the same with Zoey while Angel was wearing his new suit.

*at the castle*

the car stopped then everyone climbed out Asmodeous and Fizzaroli wanted to spend more time with their grandbaby, since she was still young.
Lilith: Zoey Skelita looked you girls.
Zoey: thank you Aunt Lilith but Skelita has been so quiet i think something is bugging her. Lilith guided everyone to the room where they will be talking and sat down.
Lucifer: Skelita Zoey follow me i want to show you something. the girls followed Lucifer and saw a portrait of their mother since she truly did look like a hellhound.
Skelita: wow Mom was truly a hound so i guess we really do look like her.
Lucifer: you really do Skelita mostly you and so does Zoey you girls remind me and your father so much of your mother. Persephone was the most wonderful sister i ever had. Skelita and Zoey moved their hands to the frame as they looked at their Mother.
Skelita: Mom died during the extermination when we were pups i was only seven when Mom died and Zoey you were only five when that happened.
Zoey: that i remember we ran before we were killed (tears up) why did heaven have to be so cruel and take our Mom away. Lucifer held Zoey close since she was on her knees crying.
Lucifer: it's alright Zoey i miss her too.
Angel: i'm sorry you lost your mom babe.
Skelita: i was just a kid Angel i couldn't do a damn thing back then.

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