A Doll

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Maria, a young woman with curly and luscious brunette hair that swayed behind her, ran down the enormous and beautifully adorned hallway of the Duke's mansion. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement as she made her way towards the kitchen, her heart racing with anticipation. The maids, who could not help but feel envious of her stunning looks, whispered amongst themselves as she passed by, their gazes following her every move.

Despite the gossip, Maria walked into the kitchen with confidence, her head held high. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Wilderbeth," she said in her light and sweet voice, a warm smile on her face. "I hope you're doing well today."

Mrs. Wilderbeth, the head cook of the mansion, was a stern and imposing woman who was both strong and fast. She looked up from her work, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in Maria's presence. "What do you want?" she asked, her tone still stern but more polite than usual.

"I was wondering," Maria replied, her voice soft and gentle, "if I could have a slice of that delicious pie I smelled from my room earlier. It smelled heavenly, and I couldn't resist coming down to ask."

Mrs. Wilderbeth hesitated for a moment, her expression unreadable. "I'm sorry, Maria," she finally said, her voice firm but not unkind, "but the pie is reserved for dessert after dinner. You'll have to wait until then like everyone else."

Maria's face fell slightly as she heard the response, disappointment etched on her features. "Oh, okay," she said with a hint of sadness, turning to leave the kitchen.

As she made her way towards the large door to exit the kitchen, the maids whispered amongst themselves again, their voices low and venomous. "She thinks she's so perfect," one of them spat, "with her fancy clothes and her shiny hair. She should go back to the orphanage she came from and leave us alone."

Maria continued walking down the long hallway, her gaze innocent and curious. As she made her way further down the corridor, her attention was drawn to an unfamiliar face. She saw a stunning woman with rich, dark skin and long, twisted hair. The woman's eyes were perfectly shaped, with irises that shimmered with a mesmerizing blend of blue and green.

Maria approached the woman with a friendly smile, her voice soft and welcoming. "And who might you be?" she asked, genuinely curious.

The woman's response was confident and strong, her voice carrying the weight of a warrior. "Asa," she replied, her eyes meeting Maria's with a steady gaze.

Perfect little dollOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora