Is she bad?

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It had been a week since the unexpected event took place at the mansion. The incident led to the dismissal of Mrs. Wilderbeth, while the maid involved was taken to the hospital. However, the mystery behind what had happened lingered on, leaving everyone to wonder. Despite all this, Maria had become the center of attention in the mansion, and her presence was now welcomed with kindness and empathy. As she walked down the hallway, she received compliments and pity from the maids.

"Miss Maria looks stunning today," one of the maids exclaimed, admiring her beauty.

"I wonder if she is seeing Lord Alexander, they would make a perfect couple," another maid chimed in. Maria smiled at the compliments, feeling pleased with the newfound admiration she had received.

As she walked, she accidentally bumped into Asa, who was on her way to Lord Alexander's office. Maria looked at her and asked where she was headed. Asa seemed annoyed by her question and responded with a curt reply, "I am heading to Alexander's study to get some paperwork." Maria offered to accompany her, suggesting she knew her way around, but Asa declined, stating she was capable of finding her way. Maria was intimidated by her answer and mumbled under her breath, "Who exactly are you, Asa?"

Asa made her way to Alexander's study, but as she entered, she felt a sudden tingle of being watched. Dismissing the feeling, she stepped forward only to see Alexander engrossed in a conversation with a maid, who seemed to be flirting with him. The moment Alexander saw Asa, he sprang out of his seat and gleefully greeted her, his eyes shining with delight.

"How are you today, Asa?" he asked, eager to engage in conversation.

"I'm okay. Did I interrupt something?" Asa inquired, her gaze fixed on the desk. "I'll be out of here soon," she added, quickly gathering the scattered papers.

As she walked out of the study, she muttered to herself under her breath, "Ugh, why is romance everywhere so disgusting." Asa was staying at the Duke's mansion, as her father had agreed to let her marry his first son. Now, she was trapped at the Duke's palace, with nothing to do but wait for her fiancé to arrive.

Meanwhile, Maria ran down the hallway, searching for Alexander. "Where could he be?" she asked herself, still radiating with joy. Suddenly, a sharp object flew past her, missing her by inches. Startled, she turned around to see who had thrown it, only to find Asa standing right behind her.

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