1 D e a r D i a r y . . .

15 3 0

"This page isn't too long, let me just read it," murmured Seraphina.


Dear Diary,

When I got you, I didn't want to write in you, not because I didn't like you. No, you were beautiful... breathtaking... mesmerising...I could go on and on and on.

I just...didn't want to stain you with my burdensome life.

Yet here I am, scratching the most beautiful blackest of inks as though I were to be looking at the night sky where each curve is a cloud, each dot is a moon and each line is a shooting star on a creamy sheet of blanket as though the sun were about to rise or set.

Then walks in the intruder, a splatter of blood, destroying the bliss of the cycle of life, the smoothness of my skin. A meteorite has hit the earth causing destruction to my mind and wipes out the beauty of memories, all of it.

Now all I am left with is the saltiness of my tears, a broken world, beyond repair.

Yes, I know. The poetry harbours pain, the metaphors harbour beauty but one thing that I've forgotten to do is introduce myself.

So here I am:

Meet the author of each page, the owner of this diary...

Seraphina Kenna Blaze.

"Seraphina, get to sleep. You have an exam tomorrow."

"Yes, Mama."

"And how the hell are you able to read that? It's in code," muttered her mum as she walked off, stating the obvious.

She sighs, placing the book gently to her bed side table, closing her bedside lamp as she snuggles into the comfort of her own bed.

Dear Diary: In Fire, and in Blood, and in Anguish | On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now