Chapter 11

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Honey wolfs Diggory snape potter is with her second husband Harry celebrating Christmas Day They exchange gifts and enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner. After dinner, they go for a walk in the snow. They return to their cottage and cuddle up on the couch, watching holiday movies. They hold each other close and discuss the plans they have for the new year. Harry kisses her forehead and whispers sweet nothings in her ear. They share a passionate kiss before going upstairs to go to sleep. In the morning, they exchange one last kiss before saying goodbye. They promise to keep in touch and meet again in the new year. Harry leaves with a smile on his face, knowing that this Christmas was the best one yet. They both feel a sense of joy knowing that their bond is stronger than ever. They wave goodbye as Harry drives away, each of them feeling a sense of contentment. They make a promise to see each other soon. Harry drives away, feeling a newfound sense of hope and joy. He knows that his friendship with Honey  is stronger than ever, and that they'll be together again soon. Harry pulls into the parking lot of his home, feeling a sense of love and appreciation for his friendship with Honey. He steps out of the car, a happy and grateful smile on his face. He heads inside, knowing this Christmas was the best one yet. Harry steps inside his house, greeted by a warm hug from his family. He is filled with joy and peace, knowing that he is loved and supported by his family. He is grateful for the beauty of his friendship and for the happiness it has brought to him this Christmas. He is filled with joy knowing that he has a family that loves him and is always there for him. He is thankful for the memories he has made and for the people who mean the most to him. He is thankful for the blessing of his friendship and for the happiness it has brought to him this Christmas.
End of chapter 11

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