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    THE NEXT THING I KNEW... Jake was here. He was doing some sort of paperwork. I had one eye open one eye closed, I just wanted to leave. He walks over to me and softly nudges me."How ya feeling?" He asked. What the fuck do you think? "Oh just great." I said harshly but I really didn't mean too. I feel kind of bad. "Well, ready to go?" He asked,  "God please." I said slightly smiling, I try my best at least. "Good, it smells like old people." He whispers, I could never get how he came up with jokes like that. He always came up with one, I kind of envy it. 

    Anyways blah... blah ...blah, Paper work more paperwork some pills and getting everything on me off and I was out. But I was in a fucking wheel chair. I swear I can walk but they insisted. He helped me get in the passenger side of the car. "Shit...I can't fit this wheel chair in this car." He said looking at the wheel chair then the car."Thank god I don't need that piece of shit." I answered, "perfect!" He responded getting into the car leaving the parking lot? What the fuck? It was a long drive. We went back and forth arguing about music. Who's was better, who's turn it was. Turn it up, no turn it down! "

God! Hurry it up!" Plead, "You take just as long!" He spat back. Me and Jake were like siblings, it's always been like that. We were always close. And that holds up even now. Sad? Mad? Jake will always cheer me up, even after what just happens, and he knows when he shouldn't ask certain questions. And I respect that. Even though we fought sometimes, but who doesn't?
^ 303 words (OMG WOWZERS)

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