- downward spiral

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Watching Buggy and the rest of the crew talking on deck, Niko glanced down at the frothing waves that rolled from the edges of the Big Top. Barnacles and algae grew on the water line, wet from the oceans uncertain waves. The plain sea horizon met his gaze, showing nothing, considering they'd been sailing for a couple hours now.

After the show, they'd done a few more performances over the course of a week, and then they'd got a tip for where the One Piece Map was. Buggy had dropped everything he was doing, and they'd been on their way by the next day, which meant Niko was going to get used to being at sea for at least a week with the crew. According to Alvida, Buggy didn't want to stop until they reached their destination. 

The sound of footsteps caused Niko to look up sharply, eyes landing on a familiar blue eyed clown. Upon meeting his gaze, Buggy's lips perked into an enthusiastic smile, and wiggled his fingers. Niko rolled his eyes, turning his gaze back to the island as he leaned against the railing. Buggy stopped beside him, joking, "Missing the land already? Some pirate you are, serpent boy."

Niko's couldn't help but smile slightly, lacing his fingers together as he responded, "If it means I have to stay with you and the rest of your crew otherwise? I think I'd rather be a Marine." He glanced sidelong at the clown, who pouted dramatically, his vivid blue eyes glued to Niko.

"Well, on the plus side," Buggy perked up, an excitable grin splaying across his lips, "You get to stay in my real room this time, sugar! Isn't that exciting? No pretty cage on the ship, so you get special treatment."

Niko turned to stare at him, jaw slacking. He had to sleep with Buggy? His stomach churned, throat tightening. Buggy seemed unbothered, though, his blue hair tufted, peeking out through the edges of the red and white striped bandana he always wore. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I don't bite," Buggy paused, adding with a teasing wink, "Though, something about you tells me that you might like it if I do."

"Absolutely the fuck not." He put his head into his hands, running his fingers through the sea-misted black locks a few times in an attempt to slow his racing heart, that hollow ache in his chest, "I won't" He added quickly afterwards, looking up with a stubborn shake of his head.

Buggy's lips pressed into a line, the muscles in his jaw working for a heartbeat. As a long pause fell between them, Niko felt the urge to say something to fill the tense silence, and added, his eyes darting away, "...For tonight. But just tonight." Niko barely had time to react as he was pulled closer to Buggy by the waist.

The clown-pirate looked pleased, his lips pulled up into a satisfied smile, crystal blue eyes seeming to glow from within, "I'm sure you'll come back, just like you always do. You're all bark, no bite."

A soft, destructive voice from inside him piped up, and Niko almost couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of his lips as he retorted, "You'll see just how much I can bite later, circus freak." Instantly, when the words left him, he regretted it, watching the surprise spread across Buggy's face, very quickly followed by a devilish excitement. 

"We will, won't we?" He responded in a conspiratorial whisper, a devilish grin creeping onto his lips. Niko held his intense stare breathlessly for a few seconds, vision dropping from his red, paint smeared lips to those endless ice-blue eyes, almost drowning in them. In one sudden, smooth movement, Buggy spun him out of his arms, expression returning back to normal. 

"C'mon, gorgeous!" He grabbed Niko's hand, pulling him down the steps to the main deck with a mischievous smile that made Niko look away, teeth sinking into his cheek, "I know you want me all to yourself, but I do have a crew to order around."

Buggy gave him a tour of the Big Top, and then dropped him off in his cabin, rambling about having to 'talk to Alvida about where the hell they were going' or something that Niko didn't catch. He was left alone in Buggy's cabin. It was spacious, the left half holding things such as a bed, dresser, and other "roomy" things, and the right half holding an assortment of maps and other navigational things - plus, a huge collection of what Niko guessed were trophies. He took a few hesitant steps to the left, glancing behind him at the shut (but unlocked) door, and then scanning the room again. The wood was a deep brown, but there was bursts of bright colors. 

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