- to sink or to swim

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Niko stayed true to his words, and slept in the brig that night. Originally, he was going to sleep in the galley, but it felt too exposed. Even though the cell was cold and dark and smelled moist, he preferred it due to the privacy. Even though he felt like every moment he spent in there was another second closer to getting some long-dormant disease.

Mohji had been lingering outside of the brig since Niko went back down, and he figured that Buggy had told him to keep an eye on him. The thought alone, in combination with the rest of his obsessive thinking, was enough to keep him restless through the night. It didn't help how uncomfortable and cold it was. Eventually, after an exhausting lack of sleep, Niko shoved past Mohji on his way out of the brig, out onto the deck. Of course, he spotted Buggy right away. The captain was wearing his coat and hat, but his crystal blue eyes set on the horizon with a surprisingly sulk-y expression plastered across his face. 

He faltered as Buggy made direct eye contact with him, foot falling short and causing him to trip over himself. Warmth rushed to color his cheeks, and his jaw tightened, trying to will it down. Buggy's lips tugged upwards, and Niko could feel the smug amusement, even from this distance. He made his way over, stopping beside the clown. For a moment, the pirate was silent, unsure what to say, stomach churning. 

"You reek." Niko finally said. The smell of alcohol was radiating from the clown, like many of the other crewmates. Their drinking habits seemed to pick at while at sea.

Buggy snorted, giving him a once over, "You're one to talk, sugar. You smell like a damp boot." He couldn't help but echo the snort, recalling the scent in the brig. It was probably true, considering his night was spent there. Honestly, he was unsure if he could spend another down there. 

"I see you assigned me a babysitter," He jerked a thumb behind him, to where Mohji was shadowing him from a few hundred yards away, not very well, "Very slick. Couldn't stand to spend the night without knowing what I was doing, huh? Scared I was bedding with Cabaji?"

Buggy followed his gaze, chuckling under his breath at first, "Mohji isn't the most subtle, is he? I can tell you two have a fantastic bond." His jaw muscles clenched at the second comment, and his easily playful expression soured slightly, "No. You're mine. My prisoner, mine to have." His voice was almost possessive, forcing out the words through gritted teeth, and it made a pleasant chill run up Niko's spine. 

He dismissed it as the breeze.

Niko paused, swallowing a stir of emotions as he ignored the entire latter half of his words, "Oh no, he blends right in. A man wearing a lion costume? I barely noticed him." responded Niko sarcastically, casting a fleeting glare over his shoulder, at the slim pirate.

As he turned back to Buggy, his gaze skimmed over the horizon, catching on a small figure. Despite barely skimming over it, his blood ran cold upon spotting it. "Give me your spyglass," Niko demanded, reaching for Buggy's belt without removing his eyes from the spot. 

"Woah! Right now, right here?" Buggy's surprised voice shifted to a devilish one, "And you call me the freak."

"Buggy," Niko emphasized, not even blinking at the comment, his eyes fixing to the clown. Buggy frowned, arms folding over his chest, "Alright, jesus, don't get your panties in a twist." He handed over the spyglass, "What are you looking at anyway? I didn't take you for a sightseer, prince."

Niko shut his left eye, peering through the glass. What he saw only made his heart sink into his boots, lowering it with a burst of anger and dread, "Take a look." He offered bluntly, pointing to the speck. Buggy did so, focusing for a few seconds before his movements stilled. 

"Marines." He breathed, and Niko thought he recognized excitement in his voice. 

"Finally! A little action around here!" Buggy grinned, lowering the spyglass. His smile was giddy, and it only made his heart sink further. God, this clown really was insane. 

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