- burning the candle at both ends

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Niko had felt bad in the past month or two. Very bad, in fact, so much so that he had even lost a little weight. Being a prisoner to a clown-pirate that was constantly trying to seduce him was exhausting, and the emotional burden was even more so.

That being said, it was nothing, nothing compared to waking up next to said clown after having saved and slept with him. Especially knowing that everything the clown had said about always coming back was true.

Niko couldn't avoid his own emotions, laying in a dreaded silence, staring at the wall. Buggy's arm was looped around his waist, his body flush against Niko's as he spooned the younger pirate in his sleep. A large part of him wanted to succumb to all of his desires, but the other part- the better part, Niko liked to think- felt wrong even being there. Maybe it was the vulnerability, or the way that Buggy had treated him, or even just knowing that he couldn't leave, even if he wanted to.

He sighed, eyes fluttering shut briefly.

"Are you awake, pretty boy?" Buggy's drowsy voice sounded right next to his ear, breath tickling it.

He hummed in response, feeling Buggy's hand slide up his chest, drawing in a deep breath, "Someone had a good night, hmm?" His voice was low and teasing, "You put on a pretty good show for me. You should've seen it."

Niko's face warmed, and he scoffed lightly, embarrassment making his stomach flip, "Oh, fuck off. I was... drunk." It wasn't technically a lie, he was tipsy, but... Buggy seemed to put a spell on him whenever he was around, and it was almost worse than being intoxicated. Same effects, but he could remember everything. Too well. It made it far too easy to dream.

"Uh huh, blame it on the alcohol, sugar. We both know it was more than that~" His hands secured around Niko's waist, but the black haired pirate turned himself around, facing Buggy in the bed, taking in his appearance for a moment. His lipstick was smudged to the point of it being rubbed off completely, and Niko knew part of that was his fault. It.. was definitely not attractive. Not at all.

His hair was sticking up in different places, the vivid blue locks matching his eyes. "Paint a portrait, it'll last longer." He chuckled, and Niko, against his better judgement, reached a hand up to rest on the side of his face, touch gentle and only serving to deepen the ache in his own chest.

"Maybe I will," He murmured in response, thumb running over the skin, meeting Buggy's crystalline gaze, "...too bad I don't know how."

Buggy gave a shit-eating grin, "It wouldn't do me justice anyway, would it?~" Niko shrugged nonchalantly, but the growing smile on his own face gave away the answer. It was too easy to feed his ego, the clown glowing beneath the praises. If he didn't know any better, Niko would've thought he had a thing for it.

The thought alone made him want to chuckle. The big, powerful Buggy the Clown? With a praise kink? Niko snorted, and Buggy's head tilted, "What's so funny, serpent boy? C'mon, share with the class."

Niko shook his head, a smug smile creeping across his lips, "I was just thinking how much it seems like have a thing for praises. Can you imagine?" Now it was Buggy's turn to flush, though not nearly as much as Niko did.

"Says you," He shot back, "You basically purred when I called you a good boy."

Niko burned a rosy hue, and he shook his head stubbornly, "That's completely different." Buggy rolled his eyes, but didn't argue, only giving Niko a look that screamed, 'Yeah, right!'

Eventually, he began to speak again, pulling Niko against him. "Y'know, I had to fight so hard for this moment," Buggy murmured against his hair, "..and breaking you was fun too, but now that you're here, I know it was worth it, serpent boy." Niko eyes squeezed shut, trying to block out the soft words, so gentle sounding, but each one hurt more than the last. Where was this coming from?

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