Ch 1 - Hungry...

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Night has fallen, again. He has lost count for how many times he hasn't eaten a full meal. The world was small in his eyes, and he was hidden in the dark forest, so dark, not even his silhouette can be seen

He groans in disbelief, as he was lying down, using a mountain to rest his back, his hand on his stomach, looking up at the sky

He was a giant, but he was also a vampire. He used to have his own way of able to drink blood without eating a single human, for he despises hearing their cries of agony, and seeing their lifeless forms fade

Now, he is alone, the only giant vampire, with no food, just coping with water. Odd, no? Vampires, at least from many tales, never drink water

He pulls down the hood, as it reveals his blonde hair, fluffy, yet scruffy, for he has been stressed for trying to get food

His eyes, color of bright glowing lime green, staring into the sky, as he smells an animal nearby, his eyes looking down, only to see it was a deer

Everything is just small in his eyes. He groans sadly, as he picks up the deer, lifting it from the ground with his index and thumb, and gently pierces his giant fang into the deer's body, feeling the tiny creature going limp as his fang sucked the blood out

He places it down, and buries it, for he felt bad, but he'd rather drink animal blood than human, but his thirst was going out of control

Sometimes, he would become corrupted, his eyes turning bright red, hungry for blood, but he's been trying to keep himself together, even though he hasn't experienced that scenario, at least not yet

"Come on, can do it...just...a few more hundred go..." he speaks softly, feeling tears of sadness, for he couldn't control his hunger

He stands up from sitting down, and staggers to his home, but then, his stomach stings, as he hisses in pain, stumbling as he struggles to walk further

Dream then stands tall, seeming taller than normal, as he sniffs the air, like some predator searching for prey, or at least finding its home

He tears up, hands on his head as he shakes it vigorously, knowing it was happening, for he was fighting the corruption, his hunger

"NO! NO! PLEASE NO!" Dream begs to himself, looking around the dark forest, hearing no sound from any creature, for he was desperate to find any source of food

But sadly, it was too late, for he falls down, making the ground shake, as birds scattered around, flying high, but one bird didn't make it, for giant fangs caught it, despite being a very tiny target for the vampire, it was eaten, as Dream crushes it like a grape

He opens his eyes, bright red, hungry for blood, but not just any blood. He was hungry for the blood he promised not to eat

Dream sniffs the air, and smells human, far, but he can tell it was a lot, for he closes his eyes, seeing afar, seeing a village, as he opens them, mouth watering, fangs sharpened, and makes his way...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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