3. La Ville

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    » [West Coast - Lana Del Rey] «

0:00 〇───── 4:16

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°•. ✿ .•°

I force my eyes open, not surprised that I'm met with darkness and a grey glow emitting from outside my window through the curtains. I sigh. This mission is a fresh start as like today.

I turn on the lamp beside me and press the button to stop my alarm from beeping any longer. Pulling apart the curtains reveals to me that the sun won't be rising for another hour or more, and there's still people walking the streets far below me, probably coming back from a night out or going on a morning run with their dog. It's that time of day when these two people meet, late enough to still be out but early enough to get some fresh morning air. They probably look at each other wondering how they can be awake.

I turn the shoer dial to cold. I slip past the glass door and let the cool water fall through my hair onto my body, I shampoo, conditioner, shave, the usual. My eyes still look tired. I put some bread into the toaster, my hair wrapped in a towel and myself in a dressing gown. I return to my room and tug my large suitcase out from under my bed. I open it and place it on top if my unmade bed. 

Shoes? Yes

Dresses? Yes

Suits? Yes

Coat? Nah, too warm, but a raincoat just in case

I choose a pair of black leggings and a white hoodie to wear to the airport, it's not like I'll be doing anything important today anyway, and if I have to I'll just change at my apartment. I put all my important documents, suspect list, planned interviews and notes into another bag that also ends up in my suitcase. I sit down and force my throat to swallow the toast. It's too early for food.

I stand in the elevator with my bags as the all too familiar music fills my ears once again. I raise my hand to the doorman in thanks while I take my car keys out of my handbag.

°•. ✿ .•°

"The gate for Paris, France is now open, please have your luggage and boarding pass ready"

I hand my passport to the woman outside the gate, she examines it then hands it back, scanning my ticket in the process.

"Have a great flight" she smiles widely 

I briefly return her smile before carrying my bag down towards the doors that lead out to the plane. It's a big one, two layers of windows line the side of it and the staff look like small flies underneath it. A huge shadow spreads across the ground as I see another plane lading onto the adjacent runway, its speed rapidly slowing as it nears the end.

A lot of people had gathered behind me in the time we were waiting to be let out. They open the doors and I climb up the steep stairs towards the open door of the cabin.

"Welcome to Air Fance" the man says to me, holding out a hand to help me up the last step.

I turn left and walk towards the navy curtains separating business and first class at the end of the aisle. I walk through and I'm not surprised to see nearly every person in here is wearing a black suit and carrying a brief case. I sink into the white leather seat, placing my carry-on bag by my feet. A few minutes later, the seatbelt indicator starts flashing at me to fasten it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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