Belch spots the losers

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A/N: I promise nothing bad happens

  Belch was just sitting on a bench in bassy park, when he sees the losers walk by, looking happy and he can't help but think **How'd they become so happy?** and of course Richie accidentally looks towards Belch, who quickly looks away, acting as if he didn't notice the losers

   “Um, guys” Richie says as the rest of the losers, except Beverly look at him, “Look...” he says pointing at Belch “Fuh-fuck” Bill said “Yeah.... I'm pretty sure he spotted us and quickly looked away when I noticed” Richie said “Why would he just sit there doing nothing then?” Mike asks “I don't know” Richie replied honestly “Why are we just standing around wasting our time? He could bully us at any given moment” Beverly said “She has a good point” Mike said

  Belch got up, the losers thought they were done for because he had looked at them but he just turned and left, which left the losers confused “Wuh-What just h-happened?” Bill asks “I don't know, but I don't trust this...” Mike says

Belch's pov:

  I'm just minding my own business sitting on a park bench in bassy park, when I spot the losers.... They look so happy it's sad to think that they can be happy after what me and my friends did.... “How'd they become so happy?” I wonder, next thing I know the trashmouth of the group sees me and I quickly look away, I think they're talking but I can't hear them.... When I get up I look at them one last time, they look scared... Probably thinking I'm going to hurt them but I just turn and leave.... I think that made them confused, oh well

Richie's pov:

  My friends and I were just walking through the park, happy to spend time with each other, when all of a sudden I spot Belch on a park bench and he quickly looks away **What the fuck?** I think as I point Belch out to the other losers, Bev acts as if this is normal but they others are actually sounding a little bit scared, I hear Bev say “Why are we just standing around wasting our time? He could bully us at any given moment” and of course Mike has something to say to that but I don't listen, Belch stands up and look at us, I know that we're all scared.... Afraid he'll hurt us but he just turns around and leaves.... We all become confused Bill and Mike both say something but I don't listen, instead I just stare blankly at where Belch was sitting

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