Hanging out, part 1

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Bella's pov

I had to beg Vic to stay, he was hesitant at first but he eventually gave in...I hugged him but he pushed me away and told me he hates physical touch, which I found hilarious considering that he was holding Reg's hand but whatever

Right now we're watching Tangled, weirdly enough the boys agreed, despite the fact that Reg hates Disney movies that have anything to do with princesses

“Is that a frying pan!?” Reg said confused, “Yep!” I say, I meet Vic's eyes and it feels like he's asking if Rapunzel was about to knock Flynn out with it, and I just laugh a little

At the end of the movie the boys are asleep against one another, so I go to the room I sleep in and grab a fluffy blanket before heading back to the living room and place it over the boys

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