Still sick but the school hates me

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Belch’s pov

I still have to go to school, despite still having influenza, annoying as shit

I wish I didn’t have to go but ugh no choice

~Time skip: at school~

I just arrived with the gang when we see Bella and Mara/Mari(Patrick’s older sister in my au) talking to Myla Hanlon(Mike’s older cousin in my au), no surprise there really, I mean they’ve been friends for years....everyone calls them the outcast trio

I love my sister, really I do, but when she decides to be friends with someone who knows what I do is just sad and disturbing

“Hi Reg!” Bella says to me

I just wave back at her and go inside the school

Vic is staying close to me....I don’t know why but he doesn’t trust Patrick, he even became more afraid of a friendly manner I grab his hand and hold it for a bit before letting go

A/N: Sorry it’s a little short but as you can see this is a platonic chapter between Belch and Victor

The best friends (Belch Huggins x Victor Criss)Where stories live. Discover now