Birthday sickness

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Belch’s pov

“Can’t believe I’m sick on our birthday Bella” I say

“Your fault for getting influenza,” she says

I look at the broccoli soup she gave me and feel like gagging, I have been drinking this since I got the flu, disgusting

I’m glad Vic is at least visiting today, but I’m afraid he’ll get sick because of me

“At least it’s not pneumonia,” Bella said

“ infection in the lungs is a lot worse than influenza—” I said in agreement but also scared

~Time skip~

When Vic got here, he came straight to my room, and tried to kiss my cheek

“I have influenza-” I told him

“Don’t care,” he said, leaning in and kissing my cheek

“You just want to be sick, huh?” I asked

“I have a minor cold” he admitted

I laughed and then we locked lips for a few seconds, my heart fluttered

He gave me a birthday card as a get well soon card and I smiled at this

“Aw Vic cares about me”

“Shut up Belch...”

I pull him in closer and kiss him and then he has to go so he kisses my cheek

“You’re so going to be sick” I say teasingly

“Yeah you” he says

“Love you too” I said

Vic then left

The best friends (Belch Huggins x Victor Criss)Where stories live. Discover now