Chapter 83

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The boy ran as hard as he could for a long time. When he couldn't breathe, he found a hidden place to hide and rest.

"Tsk, it was obviously effective before, why is it not effective this time? Shouldn't he be in favor of the servant stealing jade and running away for refuge? Such an inhumane guy. Bah!"

The boy weighed the money bag, "Fortunately, the money is still there. They were all arrested, so they can't go to Flower City next. Let's go to Sunset City instead."

After resting for a while, the boy made sure that no one was coming, and then he got up and set off on his way down the path.

"He came out in a hurry and didn't prepare any food. It looks like he's going to hunt."


The boy looked at the burnt fish with disgust, "If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't catch the pheasant, I wouldn't want to eat the fish. The meat of the pheasant is so thick, but the outside is burnt, but the inside is still edible. This fish, tsk." "

But there is no choice but to make do. The boy looked like he was being forced to die and took one bite of the burnt fish.

"It's all burned to charcoal. Are you eating the charcoal?"

"Bah, bah, bah." The boy spat out the burnt skin and turned to look at the place where the person was speaking. He was also a boy of the same age, and he was also alone.

"Who are you? Could it be that you know how to grill fish?"

The visitor did not answer the boy's words, but just walked over and said: "Go catch two more fish."

The boy looked at the visitor suspiciously. He saw a boy who was about the same height as him. He was wearing a green robe, with long black hair that was not tied up and hanging on his back. He was carrying a small baggage on his shoulders.

It's just that constant paralyzed facial expression and a tone that seems to be ordering you. The boy was unhappy.

"Okay. If you don't like the roast, then hand over everything you have on you."

However, when the boy smelled the appetizing aroma, he felt no discomfort at all.

"Wow, you take salt with you when you go out? It's so powerful and smells so good."

But the other party still looked indifferent, with no expression at all, as if this was normal, so why make a fuss.

"Can I eat it?" The boy had asked this question dozens of times. The boy couldn't wait to taste this delicious food.

The other party ignored the boy completely, just picked up a fish and started eating it by himself.

"Eh? It's finally ready to eat." The boy also picked up another fish and ate it, "Wow, it's hot, but it's much tastier than the one I grilled!"

The other party finally spoke: "Don't compare your scumbag level with mine. It's an insult to my skills."

The boy chuckled, "Yes, yes, how about we cooperate in the future? I'll get the food and you'll bake it?"

The other party replied coldly: "Refuse."

The boy refused, "Huh? Why? Isn't it great to cooperate like this? You don't have to work so hard to catch fish."

This time the other party didn't even say anything.

But the boy got excited, "Hey, what's your name? Where are you going?"

The other party was concentrating on eating the fish.

"Is it possible that you don't have a name? I have never had a name since I grew up. The old man who raised me would only call me brat or brat."

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